[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”sgi-classes-levels-1-3″]
The Inner Sanctum of Sacred Geometry: Exploring the Hidden Architecture of Creation. Sacred Geometry Online Classes: Levels 1-3
This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.
Our intention with this class is to teach the use of Sacred Geometry as a practical tool as well as a philosophical and occult system. To that end it is important to attain mastery of two things. First is the mastery of the drawing techniques, the ‘constructions’ as they are called in the lingo of Geometry.
The second is to attain mastery of geometric reasoning. It is this skill that facilitates the process of geometric problem solving, that is, understanding how to design and layout specific forms, patterns and diagrams for purposes of discerning real world applications and solutions to a variety of creative problems.
In other words it is equally important to understand the Why of geometric principles as well as the How. The advantage of an online course such as this is that you work at your own pace. If you had difficulty with math in school it is because the pace of learning is standardized in modern educational institutions and not geared to the learning style of individuals. Take your time, perform the exercises as many times as you need before moving on.
No mathematical background is required. We start with the basics and then proceed to more complex levels.
Join Now! Level 1 classes are now complete, archived and accessible at anytime for aspiring students of the Mysteries.
Level 2 Classes 1- 4 are now available. 5-8 coming soon!
You needn’t begin the classes at any particular time for once they are produced they are archived and accessible indefinitely.
Taught by Independent Scholar Randall Carlson
Payment options for all levels:
$33.00 for each individual class
– Scott Onstott Author of “Taking Measure” and Esoteric classics, Secrets in Plain Sight and Secrets in Plain Sight Volume 2.
The Inner Sanctum of Sacred Geometry: Exploring the Hidden Architecture of Creation
This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.
- Sacred Geometry is a philosophical/psychological system that aids in understanding the nature of reality, stimulates and inspires the creative faculties and reveals an ethical basis for living with virtue and due proportion in the world.
- Sacred Geometry is a practical tool, utilized by Builders, Architects, Craftspeople, Designers,
Artists, Gardeners and Musicians throughout history to create works of exceptional power and beauty that resonate with the natural order of creation. - Sacred Geometry provides the key to revealing the invisible patterns of Creation and the cosmic blueprints for the building of Worlds.
- Sacred Geometry reveals the keys of harmonic design and composition utilized by master artists, artisans, musicians, architects, builders, and craftsmen throughout the ages.
- Sacred Geometry provides the key to understanding the Great Year the cosmic clock which reveals the cycles of planetary change and governs the unfolding of world events.
- Sacred Geometry provides the key to revealing the invisible patterns of Creation. It unlocks the deepest mysteries of Cosmic Destruction and Renewal.
- Sacred Geometry provided the alphabet with which the Master Builders of old conceived and constructed their masterpieces of stone and clay and wood and the master key to unlock their concealed teachings. It unveils the cosmic blueprint for the building of Worlds and a new order of the Ages.
- Sacred Geometry provides a powerful key for accessing the hidden mysteries of the archaic and metaphysical sciences such as Kabbalah, Alchemy, Freemasonry, Gnostic Christianity, the Mystery Religions, Sacred writings and symbolism.
- Sacred Geometry is a profound esoteric/metaphysical language, utilized by adepts of old to encode occult teachings.
Level 2 Class Schedule
Level 2 classes 1-4 are available now with 5-8 coming soon!
Please see the comprehensive syllabus (click on Gnosis tab above) for a list of topics explored in the extended course.
An Intensive Course in Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, Occult Symbolism, Arcane Wisdom, Earth Changes
Partial Syllabus The Inner Sanctum of Sacred Geometry: Levels 1 – 3
- The Vesica: Portal to the Kingdom of Sacred Geometry
- Dynamic Symmetry and Whirling Rectangles
- Kabbalistic Geometry
- The Fibonacci Series
- The Divine Proportion and the Golden Section
- The Golden Spiral
- Squaring the Circle
- The Mouth of RA
- The Platonic Polyhedra
- The Sacred Numbers of Time and Space
- Pi in the Sky
- Pythagorean Mathematics
- The Natural Base e
- Sacred Architecture:The Textbook of Ancient Science
- The Cryptic Alphabet of the Ancient Master Builders:Reading the Blueprints of Creation
- The Message of the Master Builders as revealed in the Geometry, Astronomy and Symbolism of Chartres Cathedral, Angkor Wat, Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury,The Great Pyramid, Chitzen Itza, The Parthenon, etc.
- The Cosmic Grail and Esoteric Christianity
- The Fall of Man: Memories of Paradise
- Occult Eschatology: Cycles of Creation, Destruction and Renewal
- Catastrophism: Ancient and Modern
- The Great Year of the World: Astronomical Ages, Global Change & The Wheel of Time
- The Deluge: Legend and Reality of the Great Flood
- Secrets of Ancient Astronomy, Geodesy and Metrology
- Unsealing the Apocalypse: The Reality behind Traditions of Cosmic Destruction
- Numbers of Revelation: The Number of the Beast, the Dimensions of the Holy City, etc.
- The Alchemical Quest: The Stone of the Philosophers
- Lunar Enigmas: The Implications of Green Cheese
- Symbolism and Mysteries of Hermetic, Gnostic, Cabalistic and Masonic Traditions
- Plato’s Atlantis: The Myth and the Reality
- Mesoamerican Mysteries and Cosmology
- The Ancient Ones in North America: The Great Earthworks, Chaco, etc.
- Astro-mythology and Geo-mythology
- The Language of the Birds: The Universal Tongue of the Mysteries
- Gematria: The Number/Letter Code and the Inner Dimension of Language
- The Cosmological Tarot
- The Shaman’s Drum: The Rhythms of Creation
- The Esoteric Orders: The Mysteries of Eleusis, Freemasonry, Templar Knights, Rosicrucianism, Catharism, Mithraism, The Golden Dawn
- Survival strategies for the Twenty First Century in Light of Ancient Knowledge: Individual, social and ecological
- The Great Work Renewed: A Vision for America
- Rebuilding the Holy City
Required tools and Supplies
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. He has been recognized by The National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to Science education for young people. The acclaimed 1997 TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” was based upon his research into Earth change and catastrophic events. He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His work incorporates Ancient Mythology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Paleontology, Symbolism, Sacred Geometry and Architecture, Geomancy, and other arcane and scientific traditions. For over 25 years he has presented classes, lectures, and multimedia programs synthesizing this information for students of the Mysteries.
Randall has taught classes, workshops, and has lectured to thousands of students since 1980. He integrates the study of Sacred Geometry with the mysteries of Sacred Architecture and other esoteric and metaphysical systems from a variety of ancient and modern traditions.
His approach is to utilize the classical hands-on methods of the Pythagorean and Platonic schools enhanced by the use of multimedia and computer technology. His lectures and workshops serve as an introduction to the profound art and science of Sacred Geometry and establish the foundation upon which more advanced classes are offered.
Here is an unsolicited testimonial from one of Randall’s former homeschooling students as copied from her blog post: Gratitude Celebration 46 Teacher Friends.
I want to especially thank a few of the wonderful teacher friends who blessed us with their dedication and superior classes. Randall Carlson, master of mathematics and sacred geometry, taught his informal math classes for several semesters while Simon was eligible for them. Randall’s classes were so good that several parents, myself included, joined in for the twice-weekly sessions. Under Randall’s tutelage, I learned the foundations of geometry and algebra from their origins and through diagrams and proofs, not just from abstract formulas. We used 20”x 28” drawing pads for our books, constructing geometric proofs with custom made compasses that could draw 12” circles. Our drawings would come alive when we followed his encouragement to color them in when they were finished.
We learned The Golden Mean by proving it algebraically, then discovering the many places this ratio occurs in nature, in our bodies, in the solar system, in French cathedrals, and in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
Randall taught these classes as his hobby to supplement his work as a remodeling construction master, along with his brother. One day, while we were studying the geometry of ovals, he said, “If you’re interested, how about stopping over at one of our construction jobs after class. We’ve got an oval arch going up.” Simon and I agreed to go, and just as we stepped into the house, the builders were raising the arch! We could see the geometric drawing where they had constructed it still marking the floor. It was a life sized version of what we had drawn in class that day! Magical moments like that were always happening in Randall’s class. I credit him for reawakening my love of mathematics and for re-educating my understanding of it!
Ironically, he was not hired by the newly formed Waldorf High School around that time because he lacked a college degree! Everything he had learned and so masterfully taught was “homeschooled!”
Workshops can be scheduled worldwide.
For more information, please Contact Us
[wptabtitle]Class Excerpt[/wptabtitle]
Class Excerpt
Randall Carlson on Geometry & the Right Angle (from Decatur, GA class 7/14/06)
(some classroom conversational speaking style is maintained in this transcription)
(from class) “What is the purpose of studying these geometric relations?”
If you’re an artist, a designer, a builder…If you think…If you have a brain in your head and you use it to think – there is no better way of developing your reasoning mind than going through a process of geometric exercises. There is no better way! That’s why I gave you a handout…it was an entrance to a temple…Who has it? OK, on this I had an inscription that Plato put above the door of his Academy of Metaphysics. What it said was “Let no one enter this portal, who is ignorant of geometry.” If you wanted to study metaphysics with Plato, you had to know geometry.
Why? Because he knew that people could study metaphysics, and they could go completely bonkers, unless they had also developed the ability to think rationally and logically. “Bonkers?” Well, only if it becomes imbalanced to the point… Haven’t you ever known people who were into metaphysics, who just didn’t know how to cope with the real world?
…All this [basic geometry] leads to the higher levels of Sacred Geometry which is… If you want to look at a Gothic Cathedral, or the Great Pyramid, or Stonehenge, or the Castillo at Chichen Itza, or any of the ancient sacred structures, and figure out what they’re saying…It’s all presented in the language of geometry.
See, these relationships are fundamental to, basically, the structure of our consciousness. It’s not like this is something that we invented, this is something that we discovered. It’s intrinsic within the fabric of nature itself. And the proportions that we find that govern nature are also the proportions that govern our consciousness. And so, in effect, what Plato understood, and what everybody I think understood about it, that studied Sacred Geometry was, that in effect, it was a way of developing your consciousness as well…Because there are certain fundamental patterns of harmony. Now, what we’re doing here is the basics. The questions you asked me, that would be like…I’m here and I’m presenting to you – here’s the letters of the alphabet ABCD… Learn the letters of the alphabet. Then you were to ask me: “But what would I do with this?” How would I answer that??? What wouldn’t you do with it? What would you do without it? Those would be my questions!
When Euclid wrote down his propositions…What he was doing, was he was taking an ancient sacred science and actually putting it down systematically and presenting it to the world.
“How does this relate to my consciousness?”
Well, in fact, one of the handouts that you will get tonight is a whole set of quotes, taken from various sources – ancient sources, poetic sources and so on, talking about the whole concept of self-similarity. You know, the idea of fractals, if you take a section, a part of a whole, and the whole…the pattern of the whole is reflected into that part. So with a fractal, no matter what, you can take a piece of it and blow it up, you know expand it, enlarge it, and it’s the same pattern that you started with. Well, that was a concept that was very familiar to the geometricians of old. And there was actually a term, invented by Jay Hambidge, that I talked about in one of the earlier lectures, and he called it “Dynamic Symmetry”. This is where you have this relationship between the whole and the part, and the parts reflect the whole and vice-versa. That was considered to be the key, the basis for understanding harmony.
(referring to the prior drawing exercise)
…So now you have a whole different set of ways for creating right angles…And right angles, you know, we’ve so overused in our modern culture that we kind of just take it for granted. But early on, somewhere along the line, the discovery of the right angle was considered a very profound breakthrough. And the right angle…I showed you a quote by the ancient Chinese, talking about the significance of the right angle…Because, you know, by putting the pole in the ground, and if the ground is flat, and the pole is plumb, you’ve got a right angle, and then as the sun casts shadows, it creates angles, and then from those angles you then determine, as they said, “the ten thousand things”. But it starts very simply – it starts with putting a pole in the ground, and setting out a right angle of 90 degrees.
And see, we humans…That’s what makes us unique among the animal kingdom, it’s our vertical orientation. As we stand here, we create a perpendicular. A natural perpendicular to the surface of the Earth. We’re an ‘upright’. In Freemasonry, they have the moral principle of rectitude. Which means basically, moral uprightness. And they symbolize that by the plumb-bob. You know, all the tools, the builders tools and the geometricians tools have these moral and ethical correlations to them. And we human beings are the ones that can have moral codes, because we understand the principle of uprightness, which is also rectitude.
And think of also, how it’s encoded in our language – the way we speak. Like when we say…I’m doing business with you, and when we’re concluding our business, and you’re satisfied and I’m satisfied, then we shake hands and we say: “Are we square?“ “We’re square.” Do we have a right angle? Or, “Are we on the level?” They always say…”How do masons meet?” This applies to most of the ancient orders, but in particular in the case of the Freemasons, they say: “How do masons meet?” “On the level.” So the idea being, in the lodge, in the occult lodges, or in the lodges of Freemasonry, it doesn’t matter what your station is in the outside world, when you’re in the lodge you’re all equal. In fact that Masonic principle was one of the guiding principles in the founding of our democratic republic here. The idea of equality: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that we are all created equal.” Now that doesn’t mean necessarily that we all have the same amount of money, or the same amount of good looks, or the same amount of intelligence. What it means is that in our social stations, and so forth, these are just roles, and ultimately, beyond our social roles, we’re all basically equal. We’re all constituted of the same divine spark, and are therefore equal, in the eyes of God, or, before the law.
So, we say, “How do masons meet?” So, if you’re in the lodge, and when we’re going to conclude, you say, “How do masons meet?” And see, everybody steps down to the same level, to reinforce that principle that we’re all on the same level. And “How act?” “By the plumb.” There’s the idea of moral rectitude, moral uprightness. “How part?” “ On the square.” And see, those little idioms have found their way into common usage, and people say it all the time without realizing that it has this pedigree to it, this history to it, you know? Masons part upon the square. They always say it: “Part upon the square.” Meaning that everything is ‘right’ between us…
“I’m glad I asked the question…That was wonderful!”
If you are interested in studying Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson please Sign Up and if you have any questions please Contact Us.
[wptabtitle]Reading List[/wptabtitle]
Reading List
The following links provide a plethora of free information related to Sacred Geometry, Mystery school esotericism and philosophy. Aspiring students of the Mysteries and Sacred Geometry will appreciate the wisdom imparted here.
If you are ready to participate in these upcoming classes please secure your spot now by visiting our store to register for our upcoming course.
If you have any questions regarding classes please feel free to Contact Us , as we would be happy to assist you.
If you appreciate the voluminous free information we are providing to the world and want to help support us in continuing to share this knowledge, please consider donating to Sacred Geometry International.
or visit our store to purchase our videos, podcasts and other merchandise and please also consider also becoming a member [COMING SOON!] to receive exclusive content and bonus material not available anywhere else.
It is our aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.
Thank you and Godspeed
[wptabtitle]Sign Up[/wptabtitle]
Sign Up!
This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.
Join Now! Level 1 classes are now complete, archived and accessible at anytime for aspiring students of the Mysteries.
Level 2 classes are forming now and will begin on January 22nd, 2014 and proceed until March 19th 2014.
Level 2 Classes begin on Wednesday January 22nd and continue
Wednesday March 19th, 2014.
Taught by Independent Scholar Randall Carlson
Tuition $222.00 for the entire course
$33.00 for each individual class
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AWESOME!!! I want to Learn!!!
Glad you liked it Mike! New classes set to come online early to mid 2013. In the meantime please check out Randall’s reading list for Sacred Geometry Classes here https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/sgi-downloads
Hope to see you in classes next year!
Pingback: The Great Year of the World - Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe - Sacred Geometry International
I am thrilled that you will be teaching online! Sign me up!! I have a barter offer for Randall. Please reach me at [email protected] re: my offer. Thank you!!
I just tried to send you a message using the Contact Us form, but it is broken. The captcha image is not showing up.
Thank you Marius. Please try again as it should be fixed. You can also email us directly via sacredgeometryinternational@gmail[dot]com
Hi , sorry I know you all put a lot of hard work into this but is this a free class?
Hi Ronan,
email us directly via the contact form and we can discuss this further there. Thank you.
Where is the next class located?
International via the web and in person in Atlanta Ga.
wow ive been looking for a way to learn sacred geometry for some time this is fantastic
Thank you. Hope you can join us for the course. More payment plans will be available shortly. Please contact us if you have any further questions.
Will it be possible to access the classes offline, once signed up? Because I a m from Europe and can’t follow the the live stream.
Yes Dawid. Once the classes (or individual classes are purchased) the aspiring student will have two months to stream the video of the lesson from our web-site. Also pdf instructions of the drawing exercises will also be available to download as well as audio.
Hi Dawid,
Once the classes are purchased they are available indefinitely online. We plan on releasing blu-ray discs as time allows.
Well damn, If I had the money I would be all over this.
I agree with you, brother. We shouldn’t receive these teachings in exchange of vile money. Prophecies of my Inka culture and Anishinaabe (just to mention two indigenous mature cultures inside out) warned the arrival of false prophets. They were going to mediate themselves with money and you understood that factum. Bravo!
Seems a little cultish.
but if they are using the money solely to further their research.
I think it is hilarious when woo-agers try to virtue signal and tell people they don’t even bother to talk with how to run their businesses. If you want to give away your life’s work for nothing, I won’t stop you. – Astromonk
Nothing sacred about it, if it has a price tag!
Once Again, If you are profiting from it is isn’t sacred.
You E-MAIL to whine because you don’t like my opinion, I’m thinking you’re lacking some very important parts of the equation to be teaching anything sacred, Cameron.
ho, looks awesome, is very useful to my drawings but I live in Argentina 🙁
Greetings Matias,
The classes are available online so location is only an issue if you do not have access to the internet. Please let us know if you have any questions.
I really want to learn, is any dvd with lessons?
Hi, I would like to know which individual class explains all the different lengths and relationship between each cubits. Thanks.
That should be Level 2 and 3.
this sounds awesome more info??
wow that was great
im reading the whole web site wonderful job
love and respect to Randall Carlson
Mishal alhouti
scientist and philosopher
Glad you enjoyed it Mishal!
When is level 3 planned for release? Thanks!
Also forums don’t allow new threads
Greetings Ben,
Level 3 classes may be made available the second half of 2016, not sure at the moment because we have so much going on, thank you for your inquiry. I will be updating the forum as time allows, in the interim please join the conversation via our online facebook group facebook.com/groups/sacredgeometryinternational
Best wishes,
Astromonk with the super soul funk
Im kind of feeling left out – i’ve been studying this subject and others in my free time through purchase of 2 books, “Quadrivium” & “A beginners guide to constructing the universe”. I’ve been looking for further information and meaning to the subject of physics, sacred geometry, etc., I think your video’s are full of useful information and well explained, but i don’t get why i should pay to watch them.
They are just video’s on the internet, i cant converse or ask you in depth questions about this subject in any detail without requiring a lot of your time by typing. Furthermore im a firm believer that all information & education should be free. Is there a way i can continue with your video’s without paying, or do you have any sites/pages where i can continue learning from text/diagram?
If you’ve worked your way through schneiders workbooks, (even if you haven’t) you should move on to John Michell’s “How the World is Made”. I’ve worked through 3 times. REAL gold there.
This is not a response to the issue of your intention of monetize this…!!!!
It is not about monetization. It’s about an alternative that will offer you most of the same information. Just studying “How the World is Made” will keep your mind/soul in wonder for the rest of your life.
I come from the Aymara nation in the Andes, living on the back of the Turtle with Anishinaabe mature cultures. We have been o the land for about 20 thousand years, if we believe Western sciences, and from the begginning, if we believe my peoples legends and prophecies.
I already live in awe, in numderless wonder and in profound state of beauty and humility. It is my mature culture’s magic that has conceded me this and my responsibility is to keep things sacred as in ancestral times.
I insist that monetization is a fundamental evil of what the Europeans brought to my and my sisters and brothers land. We got to get rid of it, before it is too late. Is it too late? Truthfully explain this to your kids or grandkids.
Yuspagaratata (thanks asaddressed to men) and walk lightly and lovingly on our Ultimate Mother (she does not get why $…)
Im interested in joining the class level 1-3. Are the tutorials available in videos? Can they be downloaded?
Greetings Armi,
Yes, Randall provides hands on tutorials for all of the lessons via video in this course. You can try class one for free here to get a feel for how the lessons are structured: https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/sacred-geometry-classes-level-1-class-1
Best wishes.
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You’ve just given me the info I was searching for. I need help with this too! So here is my saving grace: PDFfiller helped me to fill out the CA FTB 541 and and esign them. Just try it
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If it’s ‘sacred’, why does it have a price tag? An Inka ancestor of mine said in 1562 (Manko Inka Yupanquui), before waging the last battle against the European invaders: “they will come and impose profane perceptions on us, displacing our sacred geographies”.
To my humble understanding, Money is the quintaessence of profanity.
These ‘courses’ don’t have a clue about what is sacred.
The Sacred has to be shared, otherwise we inhabit the realm of profanity ($).
So sad!
Elder marcelo
Hello, I would like to know when Level 2 classes 5-8 will be available and also Level 3.
Thank’s in advance and best regards
Greetings Mateo,
We don’t have a firm time at the moment for completing the level 2 classes, we will be releasing new materials as we can afford to produce them and have multiple projects in the works to fast forward our efforts in that direction; so please stay tuned and if you are able any support is appreciated and goes to that end. Thank you and best wishes.
I am very interested in purchasing your classes. If I buy the gold package (the one that includes level 2) will I be eligible receive the rest of level 2 when it comes out?
Hi Team, I would like very much to contact Randall. There is an extremely provocative thread in his SGI classes (I purchased the gold package back in December but have just had time to investigate the clue.).
He describes this thread as ‘very profound’, but does not elaborate. It is beyond profound, it is mind blowing. The last 3 weeks were spent digging through the discovery and I have barely touched the surface. Could someone please contact me, and assist in putting me in touch with Randall. I need to know if he is aware of this connection, and if so, why he didn’t put it in his classes. Thank you.
(I did send an email but received no response.)
Please email us through the site and I will respond to your query there, thank you.