January 23, 2014 at 8:40 pm

Sacred Geometry Classes Online, Level 2: Evolution: Reading the Hermetic Blueprints (Video)




This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.

Our intention with this class is to teach the use of Sacred Geometry as a practical tool as well as a philosophical and occult system. To that end it is important to attain mastery of two things. First is the mastery of the drawing techniques, the ‘constructions’ as they are called in the lingo of Geometry.

The second is to attain mastery of geometric reasoning. It is this skill that facilitates the process of geometric problem solving, that is, understanding how to design and layout specific forms, patterns and diagrams for purposes of discerning real world applications and solutions to a variety of creative problems.

In other words it is equally important to understand the Why of geometric principles as well as the How. The advantage of an online course such as this is that you work at your own pace. If you had difficulty with math in school it is because the pace of learning is standardized in modern educational institutions and not geared to the learning style of individuals. Take your time, perform the exercises as many times as you need before moving on.

No mathematical background is required. We start with the basics and then proceed to more complex levels.

  • LEVEL 1: Initiation: Initiation into the Mysteries of the Temple.
    Learning the language of Geometry and Symbolism
  • LEVEL 2: Evolution: Reading the Hermetic Blueprints
  • LEVEL 3: Adept: The Inner Sanctum of the Mysteries



Level 2 classes are forming now and will begin on January 22nd, 2014 and proceed until March 19th 2014.

Order Level 2

You needn’t begin the classes at any particular time for once they are produced they are archived and accessible indefinitely.

Taught by Independent Scholar Randall Carlson

Payment options for all levels:

Tuition $222.00 for per level

$122 for classes 1 – 4

$122 for classes 5 – 8

$33.00 for each individual class

Click Here To Sign Up!

“The practice of Sacred Geometry opens to the mind’s eye an analog of alternate worlds, higher dimensions representing the ultimate creative process and an unfolding evolution from Unity to multiplicity, and it demonstrates the fact that this unfolding on a cosmic scale is governed by the laws and relations of geometry.” – Randall Carlson


“Randall Carlson’s online classes transform the practical act of drawing with a compass and straight edge into a sacred spiritual exploration. In step-by-step videos Randall shows you not only how to draw as precisely as Euclid but in doing so, he hands you a time-honored key unlocking the very structure of the universe itself. Sacred Geometry International’s classes are exactly the kind of classes I wish I had in school—connecting geometry to wider vistas of symbolism, philosophy, and history. It’s never too late to be properly initiated into the art and science of sacred geometry.”

– Scott Onstott Author of “Taking Measure” and Esoteric classics, Secrets in Plain Sight and Secrets in Plain Sight Volume 2.

The Inner Sanctum of Sacred Geometry: Exploring the Hidden Architecture of Creation

This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.

  • Sacred Geometry is a philosophical/psychological system that aids in understanding the nature of reality, stimulates and inspires the creative faculties and reveals an ethical basis for living with virtue and due proportion in the world.
  • Sacred Geometry is a practical tool, utilized by Builders, Architects, Craftspeople, Designers,
    Artists, Gardeners and Musicians throughout history to create works of exceptional power and beauty that resonate with the natural order of creation.
  • Sacred Geometry provides the key to revealing the invisible patterns of Creation and the cosmic blueprints for the building of Worlds.
  • Sacred Geometry reveals the keys of harmonic design and composition utilized by master artists, artisans, musicians, architects, builders, and craftsmen throughout the ages.
  • Sacred Geometry provides the key to understanding the Great Year the cosmic clock which reveals the cycles of planetary change and governs the unfolding of world events.
  • Sacred Geometry provides the key to revealing the invisible patterns of Creation. It unlocks the deepest mysteries of Cosmic Destruction and Renewal.
  • Sacred Geometry provided the alphabet with which the Master Builders of old conceived and constructed their masterpieces of stone and clay and wood and the master key to unlock their concealed teachings. It unveils the cosmic blueprint for the building of Worlds and a new order of the Ages.
  • Sacred Geometry provides a powerful key for accessing the hidden mysteries of the archaic and metaphysical sciences such as Kabbalah, Alchemy, Freemasonry, Gnostic Christianity, the Mystery Religions, Sacred writings and symbolism.
  • Sacred Geometry is a profound esoteric/metaphysical language, utilized by adepts of old to encode occult teachings.

Level 2 Class Schedule

Level 2 classes begin on January 22nd 2014 and proceed until weekly until March 19th 2014.

START DATE FOR COURSE: The Course begins on Wednesday January 22nd with the posting of the first class online (all classes will remain online for 6 months from the time they are accessed by each student, with a new class added once per week). You can watch the streaming video anytime during that period — as many times as you like — and download the all handouts, pdf’s and audio of the philosophical lectures.

The course features 8 pre-recorded video classes, posted weekly (each 1+ hours long or more) with lots of support material, and

2 live conference calls with Randall Carlson to open the floor for questions and allow him a chance to get to meet each of you and discuss your interests and experiences with Sacred Geometry and Metaphysics.

Complete Level 2 Course Dates:
Dates of Posting New Classes Online, plus Conference Call Dates

First Class:Available online starting Wednesday January 22nd, 2014

Second Class: Available online starting Wednesday January 29th, 2014

Third Class: Available online starting Wednesday February 5th, 2014

Fourth Class: Available online starting Wednesday February 12th, 2014

Fifth Class: Available online starting Wednesday February 19th, 2014

Video Conference Call 1: Live on Sunday February 23rd, from 3-5 p.m. EST

(All information will be emailed to students and the archive will be posted online for download after end of live call)

Sixth Class: Available online starting Wednesday March 5th, 2014

Seventh Class: Available online starting Wednesday March 12th, 2014

Eighth (Final) Class: Available online starting Wednesday March 19th, 2014

Video Conference Call 2: Live on Sunday March 23rd, from 3-5 p.m. EST

Please see the comprehensive syllabus (click on Gnosis tab above) for a list of topics explored in the extended course.

No mathematical background is required. We start with the basics and then proceed to more complex levels. The student is guided step by step into the deeper mysteries of Sacred Geometry.

Click Here To Sign Up!




Piercing The Veil
Piercing The Veil

An Intensive Course in Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, Occult Symbolism, Arcane Wisdom, Earth Changes

Partial Syllabus of Level 2 Classes: Evolution: Reading the Hermetic Blueprints.
Continuous practice and refinement of the rudiments of Sacred Geometry. The emphasis will be on practical applications of the Art and Science of Sacred Geometry.

    • Studies of Proportion: The Key to Harmonic Geometry
    • Using Sacred Geometry as a design tool./span>
    • Studies of Proportion: The Key to Harmonic Geometry/span>
    • Dynamic Symmetry: Sacred Geometry/Dynaic Symmetry in Art, Architecture and Craft/span>
    • Sacred Metrology: The Mysteries of Ancient Measuring systems/span>
    • Preliminary explorations of Sacred Geometry and the Mystery Traditions/span>
    • More in depth studies of Symbolism as it relates to Sacred Geometry/span>
    • Introducing the Golden Section/span>
    • Dynamic Symmetry and Whirling Rectangles
    • Kabbalistic Geometry
    • The Fibonacci Series
    • The Divine Proportion and the Golden Section
    • The Golden Spiral
    • Squaring the Circle
    • The Mouth of RA
    • The Platonic Polyhedra
    • Sacred Architecture:The Textbook of Ancient Science
    • The Cryptic Alphabet of the Ancient Master Builders:Reading the Blueprints of Creation
    • The Message of the Master Builders as revealed in the Geometry, Astronomy and Symbolism of Chartres Cathedral, Angkor Wat, Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury,The Great Pyramid, Chitzen Itza, The Parthenon, etc.
    • The Great Year of the World: Astronomical Ages, Global Change & The Wheel of Time
    • Numbers of Revelation: The Number of the Beast, the Dimensions of the Holy City, etc.
    • Symbolism and Mysteries of Hermetic, Gnostic, Cabalistic and Masonic Traditions
    • Astro-mythology and Geo-mythology
    • The Language of the Birds: The Universal Tongue of the Mysteries
    • Gematria: The Number/Letter Code and the Inner Dimension of Language
    • The Cosmological Tarot
    • The Esoteric Orders: The Mysteries of Eleusis, Freemasonry, Templar Knights, Rosicrucianism, Catharism, Mithraism, The Golden Dawn
    • Survival strategies for the Twenty First Century in Light of Ancient Knowledge: Individual, social and ecological


Required tools and Supplies


  • Large drawing pad (at least 18″ minimum dimensions)
  • Colored pens and pencils
  • Drawing and/or drafting tools (Excellent drawing compasses will be available for purchase
  • Ruler/straight edge
  • Scientific calculator (TI-30XA by Texas Instruments is the preferred model, approx. $14 at Office Depot, etc.
  • Three-ring binder and plastic sheet protectors to organize the many handouts which are included in the course.

[wptabtitle]Randall Carlson[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent]

Randall Carlson

[caption id="attachment_4780" align="aligncenter" width="676"]Ask Randall Independent Scholar Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. He has been recognized by The National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to Science education for young people. The acclaimed 1997 TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” was based upon his research into Earth change and catastrophic events. He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His work incorporates Ancient Mythology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Paleontology, Symbolism, Sacred Geometry and Architecture, Geomancy, and other arcane and scientific traditions. For over 25 years he has presented classes, lectures, and multimedia programs synthesizing this information for students of the Mysteries.

Randall has taught classes, workshops, and has lectured to thousands of students since 1980. He integrates the study of Sacred Geometry with the mysteries of Sacred Architecture and other esoteric and metaphysical systems from a variety of ancient and modern traditions.

His approach is to utilize the classical hands-on methods of the Pythagorean and Platonic schools enhanced by the use of multimedia and computer technology. His lectures and workshops serve as an introduction to the profound art and science of Sacred Geometry and establish the foundation upon which more advanced classes are offered.

Classes are currently held in Atlanta, GA. And will be available throughout the world via our upcoming Telecourses starting on Wednesday May 15th and continuing until Wednesday July 3rd.

Workshops can be scheduled worldwide.

For more information, please Contact Us



Level 2 Class Schedule

Level 2 classes begin on January 22nd 2014 and proceed until weekly until March 19th 2014.

START DATE FOR COURSE: The Course begins on Wednesday January 22nd with the posting of the first class online (all classes will remain online for 6 months from the time they are accessed by each student, with a new class added once per week). You can watch the streaming video anytime during that period — as many times as you like — and download the all handouts, pdf’s and audio of the philosophical lectures.

COURSE STRUCTURE: The course features 8 pre-recorded video classes, posted weekly (each 1+ hours long or more) with lots of support material, and

2 live conference calls with Randall Carlson to open the floor for questions and allow him a chance to get to meet each of you and discuss your interests and experiences with Sacred Geometry and Metaphysics.

Complete Level 2 Course Dates:
Dates of Posting New Classes Online, plus Conference Call Dates

First Class: Available online starting Wednesday January 22nd, 2014

Second Class: Available online starting Wednesday January 29th, 2014

Third Class: Available online starting Wednesday February 5th, 2014

Fourth Class: Available online starting Wednesday February 12th, 2014

Fifth Class: Available online starting Wednesday February 19th, 2014

Video Conference Call 1:Live on Sunday February 23rd, from 3-5 p.m. EST

(All information will be emailed to students and the archive will be posted online for download after end of live call)

Sixth Class: Available online starting Wednesday March 5th, 2014

Seventh Class: Available online starting Wednesday March 12th, 2014

Eighth (Final) Class: Available online starting Wednesday March 19th, 2014

Video Conference Call 2: Live on Sunday March 23rd, from 3-5 p.m. EST

Please see the comprehensive syllabus (click on Gnosis tab above) for a list of topics explored in the extended course.

No mathematical background is required. We start with the basics and then proceed to more complex levels. The student is guided step by step into the deeper mysteries of Sacred Geometry.

[wptabtitle]Reading List[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent]


Reading List

Crafting a well honed sword of reason requires diligent study and humility.

The following links provide a plethora of free information related to Sacred Geometry, Mystery school esotericism and philosophy. Aspiring students of the Mysteries and Sacred Geometry will appreciate the wisdom imparted here.

If you are ready to participate in these upcoming classes please secure your spot now by visiting our store to register for our upcoming course.

If you have any questions regarding classes please feel free to Contact Us , as we would be happy to assist you.

If you appreciate the voluminous free information we are providing to the world and want to help support us in continuing to share this knowledge, please consider donating to Sacred Geometry International.

or visit our store to purchase our videos, podcasts and other merchandise and please also consider also becoming a member [COMING SOON!] to receive exclusive content and bonus material not available anywhere else.

It is our aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.

Thank you and Godspeed



[wptabtitle]Sign Up[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent]

Sign Up!


This is the most comprehensive,hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.

Level 2 classes are forming now and will begin on January 22nd, 2014 and proceed until March 19th 2014.

Order Level 2

Level 2 Classes begin on Wednesday January 22nd and continue

Wednesday March 19th, 2014.

Taught by Independent Scholar Randall Carlson

Tuition $222.00 for the entire course

$122 for classes 1 – 4

$122 for classes 5 – 8

$33.00 for each individual class


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