Tag: al gore


Extreme Climate and Weather Related Events Prior to the Advent of Significant Amounts of Anthropogenic CO2 to the Global Atmosphere

For years now we have been told that due to mankind’s addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and presumed resultant warming of the atmosphere, the Earth would be subject to increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. This was certainly demonstrated in An Inconvenient Truth as Al Gore stands in front of a NASA image of Hurricane Katrina, […]

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Ask Randall: Climate Change - Who Are The Real Deniers?

Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?

Editors note: The following is Randall Carlson’s definitive response to an affected attempt to label him as a “climate change denier.” Randall is of course more than happy to debate anyone from the pro IPCC global warming alarmist camp, brave enough to engage him in an open forum. Truly the debate is not over… but just beginning. Interested climate scientists […]

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Climate Change:  A Catastrophist's Perspective

Climate Change: A Catastrophist’s Perspective

An in depth examination of the science and politics behind a modern day controversy.

Is the issue settled, as mainstream media would have us believe?
Is there truly a consensus to which all climate scientists agree? What exactly does consensus mean in science?
What does the peer reviewed literature actually tell us?

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