Tag: aleister crowley

Redemption Through Sin, Part 2 – Occult Mysteries 03 – Blacklisted Research

Redemption Through Sin, Part 2 – Occult Mysteries 03 – Blacklisted Research

In today’s video, I want to continue my presentation on the movement of the Sabbatean Frankists, its impact on world history, and its role in occultism. It’s a story of mysticism, revolution, secrecy, and blood sacrifice that eventually led to the Armenian Genocide, the spread of Wahhabism, and the establishment of Israel. As this is a two-part video, I recommend everyone go back and watch part one if they haven’t already. In part one, I spoke about the roots of Sabbatai Zevi, Lurianic Kabbalah, and the Messianic movement of 1666. With that being said, here is part two of “Redemption Through Sin.”

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SGI YouTube Account Terminated – Over the Target

SGI YouTube Account Terminated – Over the Target

So you’d all better wake up, you’ve been taught baloney and bullshit all your life, and you put a little mayonnaise on it and you eat it and you go to town and you think you’re full of food. But you’re not, you are spiritually desolate. You know nothing.” – William Cooper “If he would be deceived let him be […]

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William Cooper on Aleister Crowley, The O.T.O and Freemasonry

William Cooper on Aleister Crowley, The O.T.O and Freemasonry

The following quotes from Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice will further prove what should be our concern quote for the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force a male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim but the bloody sacrifice though more dangerous is more efficacious and for nearly all purposes Human Sacrifice is the best in the sacrifice during invocation, however it may be said without fear of contradiction that the death of the victim should coincide with the Supreme invocation.” – Alister Crowley Magick in Theory and practice New York New York Magickal Childe publishing Incorporated 1990 pages 95 and 96.

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Gnosis 08: Joseph Atwill, William Ramsey on Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

Gnosis 08: Joseph Atwill, William Ramsey on Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

In this discussion Joe and William provide information supporting the Freemasonic origins of Theosophy, Zionism, and Nazism. This is the hidden history which is emerging now as the United States is beset on all sides by the deep state globalists, and the latest incarnations of the zionist-nazi false dialectic. This order out of chaos method of dividing and conquering an enemy into polarized camps, both of which are controlled by the same hidden hand, absolutely must be understood for humanity to overcome its greatest adversaries; the cabal and its subsidiary secret societies responsible for fomenting revolutionary terror for centuries towards the goal of a one world satanic kingdom.

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Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah joins Gnosis to discuss the creation of Theosophy via British Freemasonry; the funding of the proto-Zionist movement via Brown Brothers Harriman the fashioning and training of Adolph Hitler by his handler Dietrich Eckhart and the ‘spiritual’ inspiration he received from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine”. Learn how Theodor Herzl the “spiritual father of zionism” was nothing more than a cut-out or lifetime actor , dancing to the tune of the first Jewish British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. How Madame Blavatsky performed a similar role for Freemason Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, recruited by him to play the inspired mystic whose ‘miraculous’ adventures into occult knowledge and initiation became the foundation for the crypto-masonic brotherhood offshoot Theosophy. See how the “elite” parasites of the new world order designed and implemented their sickening agenda of global genocide by manufacturing World War Two, a war which at a minimum caused over 80 million deaths (with estimates as high as 250 million), culminating in the fiery holocaust of humanity caught up in their satanic blood letting. If you want to understand the world we live in, you must cut away the mystification and propaganda of the “ascended masters” and see true the catastrophic effects on humanity of the hidden hand of history.

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Who Are The Illuminati – Joe Atwill

Who Are The Illuminati – Joe Atwill

Who owns history? Are we looking at Illuminati symbolism or Freemason symbolism. When we say “Illuminati”, are we actually referring to Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Ordo Templi Orientus, or maybe, ourselves? We know that there is a shadow power that guides humanity and writes history to forever forget their heinous acts of genocide but, we must come together on who are the Illuminati. Is it the Council on Foreign Relations or the Royal Institute of International Affairs? How much do you know about The Round Table Group? Did Freemasonry create Zionism?

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Jasun Horsley, How Culture Shapers Spin Aleister Crowley |457| Skeptiko

Jasun Horsley, How Culture Shapers Spin Aleister Crowley |457| Skeptiko

Via Skeptiko.com Jasun Horsey has a razor sharp critique of how the occult has become part of our pedocracy culture. Read the entire transcript at Skeptiko.com Alex Tsakiris: [00:02:10] Welcome to Skeptiko where we explore controversial science and spirituality with leading researchers, thinkers, and their critics. I’m your host, Alex Tsakiris, and today we welcome Jasun Horsley back to Skeptiko. […]

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