Tag: Alternative History

Where Did The Road Go? An Interview with Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International

Where Did The Road Go? An Interview with Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International

http://www.sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/WDTRG-3-6-2013-Randall-Carlson.mp3 Via Where Did The Road Go? This night we talked to Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International. As you will notice, this conversation could have gone on all night, very easily. We will have Randall back on very soon. Among other things, we discuss; How Randall got into this line of research. What exactly is Sacred Geometry? How widespread […]

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Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

What is ArchaeoAstronomy? 32˚ degree FreeMason and Independent Scholar Randall Carlson describes the utilization of ArchaeoAstronomy as employed by ancient master builders throughout human history around the world. From Egypt to Angkor Wat, from Stonehenge to Machu Pichu, why were our ancestors seemingly obsessed with observing the motions of the heavens and bringing them down unto the Earth in architectural form? What are the implications of their desire to literally mirror the patterns of the heavens on the Earth?

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Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson

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DragonCon with Graham Hancock & Friends

DragonCon with Graham Hancock & Friends

DragonCon 2010 served as setting for this fascinating Question and Answer Panel entitled “2012 Theories and Myth featuring best selling author Graham Hancock, Renegade Scholar Randall Carlson & Filmmaker & Ceo of the Disinformation publishing company Gary Baddeley as well as other special guests. This was recorded on Sunday September 5th 2010 during the annual DragonCon celebration in Atlanta, Ga

Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson both explain the reality of a potential lost chapter of human civilization and what connection it may have to the precessional cycle as encoded in the Mayan calendar and the upcoming 2012 alignment date.

For more information about these fine gentlemen’s work please visit their web-sites at
and Disinfo.Com2012 Theories and Myth featuring best selling author Graham Hancock, Renegade Scholar Randall Carlson & Filmmaker & Ceo of the Disinformation publishing company Gary Baddeley as well as other special guests. This was recorded on Sunday September 5th 2010 during the annual DragonCon celebration in Atlanta, Ga

Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson both explain the reality of a potential lost chapter of human civilization and what connection it may have to the precessional cycle as encoded in the Mayan calendar and the upcoming 2012 alignment date.

For more information about these fine gentlemens work please visit their web-sites at
and Disinfo.Com

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