Tag: bright insight

Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet

Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet

Via Bright Insight This will likely blow your mind. 250+ photos and comparisons of ancient sites around the world, show that there is a LOT more to the story of our ancient past. Proof of a lost ancient global civilization that has been hiding in plain sight, for thousands of years. Help support Jimmy in his effort to share interesting […]

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Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…

Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…

Via BrightInsight.com A recently declassified document discussed the topic of lost ancient human civilizations, and cataclysms that occurred on earth thousands of years ago – causing them to vanish from the earth and without explanation. Thus answering the question of why there is so much mystery and unanswered questions involving our true ancient past. The creator of this document also […]

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The 12,000 Year old Comet that Landed on TEDTalks…and Erased Ancient Civilization - Greenland Crater (Video)

The 12,000 Year old Comet that Landed on TEDTalks…and Erased Ancient Civilization – Greenland Crater (Video)

Via Bright Insight Published on Dec 11, 2018 NASA recently discovered of a massive, 19-mile (31km) wide crater, found hidden underneath Greenland’s Hiawatha Glacier. This crater is the result of an asteroid impact, from a nearly 1 mile-wide mountain of iron, weighing somewhere around, get this, 11-12 BILLION tons, and was traveling at approximately 12 MILES per second – which […]

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Ancient Egyptians DID NOT build THIS...The Osirion & Lost Ancient Technology (Video)

Ancient Egyptians DID NOT build THIS…The Osirion & Lost Ancient Technology (Video)

The Osirion in Abydos, Egypt is without a doubt evidence of a lost, PRE-history human civilization that possessed some type of lost ancient high technology. The people that lived in Egypt just a few thousand years ago that we commonly refer to as the “ancient Egyptians” (or the Dynastic Egyptians) could not have constructed this site, and there is actually zero evidence to suggest that they could have. (Note that Osirion is also spelled “Osireon” and “Osireion”)

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