Tag: catastrophism

The final battle for the future of humanity - Martin Geddes

The final battle for the future of humanity – Martin Geddes

Please consider signing up for Martin’s newsletter and see for yourself why he is the #1 de-platformed author on the planet. Via Newsletter.MartinGeddes.com “Our history has been completely erased and edited, although you can more or less piece it together once you accept that the timeline (from geological to geopolitical) is a complete lie. A cycle of civilisation resets and […]

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Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset

Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset

One of the oldest stories on Earth may explain why the entire world is going mad

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Who Would SURVIVE the Collapse of Civilization? - Graham Hancock

Who Would SURVIVE the Collapse of Civilization? – Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock is a British author and former journalist. He is known for his controversial views on the possibility of a lost advanced civilization of the Ice Age, and his investigations of cataclysmic Earth changes, megalithic architecture, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths, and astronomical data from the past. He is the author of many extraordinary, best-selling books, such as “America Before”, “Magicians of the Gods”, “The Sign and the Seal”, “Fingerprints of the Gods”, “Heaven’s Mirror”, “Underworld”, and “Supernatural”. The first half of this video is an original piece of writing from Graham Hancock. The 2nd half is from his lecture, “America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization”.

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Randall Carlson Ancient Ruins Are Encoded With A Message For Everyone To See

Randall Carlson Ancient Ruins Are Encoded With A Message For Everyone To See

Via: Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries Ancient architecture has always served as a means of conveying symbolic information, but its meaning was decipherable only to the few who were initiated into the sacred mysteries.

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Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How Huge Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected

Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How Huge Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected

Via: Zohar Stargate Ancient Discoveries We have all been told that geological activity occurs slowly over long periods of time, punctuated by moments of upheaval. What we must understand, is that cosmic order is realized through patterns found in nature as well as the cyclical timing of major geological events. To learn more about these Cycles of Catastrophe – The […]

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The banner image above is Comet 73/P Schwassman-Wachmann fragmenting in orbit

Napier: Not So Fast Bos…. – The Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com ABSTRACT “Intersection with the debris of a large (50-100 km) short-period comet during the Upper Palaeolithic provides a satisfactory explanation for the catastrophe of celestial origin which has been postulated to have occurred around 12900 BP, and which pre-saged a return to ice age conditions of duration 1300 years. The Taurid Complex appears to be the debris of […]

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David and Rob talk about Joe Rogan Experience #501: Randall Carlson.

David and Rob talk about Joe Rogan Experience #501: Randall Carlson.

Via apodcastaboutpodcasts.com David and Rob talk about Joe Rogan Experience #501: Randall Carlson. They discuss impact events, rapid climate change, and mammoth asphyxiation. This one got a little weird. https://soundcloud.com/apodcastaboutpodcasts/episode-2 #podcast #jre501 #mammoth #mammothpenisfrozen #mammothpenis #joerogan #randallcarlson #catastrophism #atlantis #climatechange Kaufen Sie Cialis unter https://themixup.co.uk/de-page8.php. Ein schneller Effekt mit Tadalafil ist garantiert! If you are on a personal connection, I […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

“A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson

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Diluvial Catastrophes and the Ancient World

Diluvial Catastrophes and the Ancient World

In a recent two part article I introduced the reader to one of the great natural events in Earth history – the mighty Bonneville Flood. However, as I made clear, this enormous fluvial event was only a regional manifestation of a much larger event, one of such scale and magnitude that it almost defies comprehension. In this article I will […]

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The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe - Part 1

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 1

“As every dam engineer knows, water also has one job, and that is to get past anything in its way” David Macauley, Building Big, 2000. I have written in another article about a potential disaster that could occur in Iraq if the Mosul Dam fails. I described the conditions of the dam built during the regime of Saddam Hussein on […]

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Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson Rewrite History on JRE #725

Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson Rewrite History on JRE #725

#725. Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as “Fingerprints Of The Gods” & his new book “Magicians of the Gods” is available now. Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar.   http://www.sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/JRE_725_Graham_Hancock_Randall_Carlson.mp3 Audience feedback on Twitter. The podcast with @Graham__Hancock and @SacredGeoInt has […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe on Sale!  33.33% off with Coupon Code: MAGICIANS

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe on Sale! 33.33% off with Coupon Code: MAGICIANS

[wptabs][wptabtitle]Dvd Preview[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLvuraN2vNapqhIpDIgIRO7eIk6gPvweqw” key=”AIzaSyAw4lB76cN9ZbNYfftnO7V46gSn5EMGkx8 ” maxitems=”16″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”1″] [/wptabcontent] [wptabtitle]About[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] *Update,all who purchase Dvd will receive a free HD download of the presentation “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe on Sale!  33.33% off with Coupon Code: ATLANTIS

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe on Sale! 33.33% off with Coupon Code: ATLANTIS

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe on Sale! 33.33% Off Through February!

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Grimerica Talks Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson

Grimerica Talks Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson

http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/Randall_Carlson_Grimerica_Podcast_1.mp3 *Right Click Save As Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International is in Grimerica and will proceed to blow your mind wide open. Randall is a master builder and architectural designer,teacher,geometrician,geomythologist,geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 […]

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Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Via Midwestreal.net http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/049_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/050_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 Every night we go to bed taking it for granted that tomorrow will come. Worst case scenario, our heart will give out and we won’t wake up. But, what if that wasn’t the worst case scenario? As we speak, massive chunks of instant extinction are flying by the vessel we inhabit at preposterous speeds. If one […]

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Randall Carlson on The Essence of The Great Work (Video)

Randall Carlson on The Essence of The Great Work (Video)

When I first encountered this idea some 4 decades ago I was perplexed as to what he meant. Now, after years of study into Earth history I interpret that statement in a very literal sense. The record of Earth change, encoded into the rocks, the landscapes about us and in the epic and universal mythology of our species conveys the same message, that inherent in the system is a reset button. The evidence now in hand confirms that this reboot command has been activated numerous times in the course of Earth history prior to any human intervention. The preeminent task of our time is, I believe, learning how to overwrite this command before the next system failure, and towards that end, we have a rich legacy of ancient knowledge and traditions that can facilitate our efforts, especially if deciphered in the light of the extraordinary discoveries of modern science. Ancient and modern systems of knowledge are perfect complements of one another.

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Randall Carlson amidst the Swan Falls Boulder Bar

Randall Carlson: The Making of a Catastrophist – Part 1

I spent most of my youth in rural Minnesota. The area where we lived, about 10 miles northwest of Minneapolis, was a rolling mosaic of hills, pasture, forest, meadow, agricultural fields, and countless lakes. The landscape was the product of the great ice age which came to an end only about 10 thousand years ago. The many hills were piles […]

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Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain - Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6 Last month I introduced the reader to a very strange meteorological phenomenon that occurred with surprising frequency throughout history. This was the phenomenon of rainfall that had the appearance of blood. A very interesting example of this genre appears in The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus, […]

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Sangreal, The  Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity - Part 2

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 2

“Hear ye the history of the most holy vessel that is called the Grail, in which the precious blood of Jesus was received on the day that He was put on the Cross.” Perlesvaus: Anonymous – Early 13th Century Last month, in the article Sangreal, The  Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 1  I wrote, “That […]

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Here There Be Dragons

Here There Be Dragons

Regarding the prevalence of the dragon in the myths of ancient cultures, British astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier, wrote in 1982: “The earliest recorded myths are those of combat, between a god or hero and a dragon. The dragon was a familiar figure in Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, India, China, North America, and elsewhere. Usually, he has the form of a winged serpent.

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