Tag: chelyabinsk

Medium-Sized Asteroid Hit Could Unleash Ice Age

Medium-Sized Asteroid Hit Could Unleash Ice Age

Via Space.com More on the Chelyabinsk meteor. A strike by a medium-size asteroid could change Earth’s climate dramatically for a few years, making life difficult for people around the world, a new study suggests. Such an impact on land (as opposed to at sea) could cause average global temperatures to plunge to ice age levels and lead to steep drops […]

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The Tsar Bombas fireball, about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in diameter.  Exploded with a force of 50 MT TNT.

Its test on October 30, 1961, remains the most powerful man-made explosion in human history.

Halloween Asteroid – City busting Earth Grazer imminent near miss

*Editors note:  Yet another eerily prescient reminder is discovered shortly after posting related media on this site.  Please read the Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt series for evidence of this fact.  Also please see another example of this type of synchronicity occurring previously with Randall’s article on DA-14, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and the subsequent Chelyabinsk meteor strike as […]

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The Great Tunguska Thunderbolt

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 1

In several previous articles I described some of the major climatic and environmental shifts occurring in the third and fourth millennia BC that were associated with dramatic transitions in human social and cultural patterns, shifts that led to the demise of the relatively harmonious goddess worshiping cultures and the rise of martially oriented patriarchal cultures. Significant changes in climate were […]

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 'The only thing preventing a catastrophe from a city-killer size asteroid is blind luck' - NASA Scientists

‘The only thing preventing a catastrophe from a city-killer size asteroid is blind luck’ – NASA Scientists

Editors note:  Those following Randall’s work will especially appreciate this acknowledgement from NASA. Thank you Randall for all of your good work to help  humankind awaken to our greatest threat, and paradoxically our greatest hope for evolution and atonement (at one ment).  For a previous article describing this type of event, presciently only one month before it occurred, please read […]

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Close Encounters of the Celestial Kind: 2013 Multiple Asteroid Sightings Around The World

Close Encounters of the Celestial Kind: 2013 Multiple Asteroid Sightings Around The World

[*The Chinese Year of the Snake (or Cosmic Serpent) is off to an appropriate start with the February 15th  bolide explosion over Russia.] The article The Boy Who Cried Wolf: 2012, Fenrir and Asteroid DA14, which appeared in last month’s Oracle, was written in late January, prior to the passage on February 15 of Asteroid 2012 DA14 only 17,200 miles […]

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