Tag: christ

On the Trail of St Christopher - David Mathisen

On the Trail of St Christopher – David Mathisen

Via: Mathisen Corollary “The child himself was carrying the weight of the world’s sins.” The ancient myths are often astro-theology in disguise, and star myth master David Mathisen has plumbed the depths and spanned the mythical and celestial realms in his nine books and countless articles, devoted to revealing the symbolic roots an ancient celestial science. A science which may […]

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Robert Edward Grant on the Mohamed Ibrahim Podcast

Robert Edward Grant on the Mohamed Ibrahim Podcast

Robert Edward Grant joined legendary Egyptologist, Mohamed Ibrahim on his Podcast in March of 2021. In this fascinating discussion, Robert Edward Grant reveals his discoveries of encrypted information in the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, “Salvator Mundi” and their links to the Great Pyramid of Giza and ancient knowledge related to measurement, geometry and the very fabric of spacetime […]

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On the ark of the covenant, the cathedral, and the cross: Easter Message I - Jordan B. Peterson

On the ark of the covenant, the cathedral, and the cross: Easter Message I – Jordan B. Peterson

Via JordanBPeterson.com There has to be a bridge between the finite and the infinite. There has to be a place where the ephemeral meets the eternal. There has to be a bridge between the knowable and the unknowable. There has to be bedrock at the foundation. The ark, which is the portal to God, is to be carried on the […]

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Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Lost Science of Antiquity - Part 3.

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Lost Science of Antiquity – Part 3.

This article is the third in a series explicitly addressing the meaning of one of the most potent of magical symbols, the Holy Grail. I hope you have read the previous two from the months of May and June in order to pick up the thread of the narrative. If you have not read them, or have gotten hazy about […]

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