Tag: deniers

Bow to the sciencey priesthood!

Oops! Climate Cultist Destroys Own Position

Leaving all that aside, Tyson’s best argument for bowing before the god of scientific consensus – his only argument based on reasoning rather than intimidation – is in fact the “oops” moment to end all “oops” moments for a global warming apologist. For this argument actually undermines his whole case, by justifying the core position of climate change skeptics.

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Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?

Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?

Editors note: The following is Randall Carlson’s definitive response to an affected attempt to label him as a “climate change denier.” Randall is of course more than happy to debate anyone from the pro IPCC global warming alarmist camp, brave enough to engage him in an open forum. Truly the debate is not over… but just beginning. Interested climate scientists […]

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