Tag: divine

The Enochian Language – History and Analysis of the Magic Angelic Alphabet revealed to Dr John Dee

The Enochian Language – History and Analysis of the Magic Angelic Alphabet revealed to Dr John Dee

The Enochian Language as revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley is perhaps one of the most enduringly fascinating events in the history of western esotericism. In this episode I explore the origins of the Angelic or Enochian Alphabet along with historical context in which it emerged including a paleographic analysis of the nature and possible origins of the script!

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Golden Ratio Theory | Basics for Beginners

Golden Ratio Theory | Basics for Beginners

Great tutorial explaining how the Golden Section is produced and applied to graphic design. Every designer, painter or really any creative should be aware of this divine proportion and how it has been applied to masterpieces of art and architecture since time immemorial. Phi or the Golden Section is vital for creating beautiful design work and in this video you […]

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Divine Architecture and Sacred Geometry – ROBERT SEPEHR

Divine Architecture and Sacred Geometry – ROBERT SEPEHR

Via Robert Sepehr Divine Architecture is the art of incorporating nature into man-made structures, often based on two fundamental patterns: The Flower Of Life and the Fibonacci Sequence. Sacred geometry ascribes metaphysical and symbolic meanings to certain geometric shapes and proportions involving universal patterns regularly expressed in nature. Sacred Geometry of Sound, Frequency and Vibration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Whv1… Pyramids and the Hidden […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry 
Image via Phidelity.com

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry

Original SGI YouTube Channel deleted by Satanists at YouTube and in the comments) Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly […]

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Introduction to Sacred Geometry Presentation This Weekend 2.24.12

Introduction to Sacred Geometry Presentation This Weekend 2.24.12

Join Randall at Anachrocon 2012 This Weekend!

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Ask Randall: What Is Sacred Geometry? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Sacred Geometry? (VIDEO)

What Is Sacred Geometry? How can understanding the “Hidden Architecture of Creation” serve mankind in it’s current phase of evolutionary transition? Could this Sacred Science serve as the master key for understanding our cosmic destiny as a species? Peer within and contemplate the Mysteries with Renegade Scholar Randall Carlson.

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