Tag: golden mean

The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence in Music (feat. It’s Okay to be Smart)

The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence in Music (feat. It’s Okay to be Smart)

Via Sound Field The golden ratio is the irrational number Phi. We see it everywhere in the world around us. But, did you know that you can also hear it in your favorite music? Since the beginning of time Phi—also known as the golden ratio—has inspired the world around us. Have you ever noticed how some pieces of music just […]

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Ask Randall: What Is Sacred Geometry? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Sacred Geometry? (VIDEO)

What Is Sacred Geometry? How can understanding the “Hidden Architecture of Creation” serve mankind in it’s current phase of evolutionary transition? Could this Sacred Science serve as the master key for understanding our cosmic destiny as a species? Peer within and contemplate the Mysteries with Renegade Scholar Randall Carlson.

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