Tag: gravity

Image: Rick Leche/Flickr

Scientists Discover a Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics – WIRED

Via Wired.com Physicists reported this week the discovery of a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 2. What’s the Point?

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 2. What’s the Point?

“Ante omnia Punctum exstitit…” “Before all things were, there was a Point.” Anonymous, 18th century ‘Le Mystere de la Croix’ Sacred Geometry, to be fully appreciated and experienced, must be undertaken as a contemplative, or meditative exercise.  From the initial act of putting pencil or compass point to paper each act of geometry is charged with meaning.  The process of […]

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