Tag: immortality

DMT & The Myth of Osiris – RN Vooght

DMT & The Myth of Osiris – RN Vooght

Osiris is synonymous with the Lifeblood or Sap of the Acacia.Osiris is also synonymous with the constellation of Orion.A simple 2D rendition of the molecular structure of DMT shares an almost unbelieveable wealth of commonalities with the constellation of Orion.As Above So Below.Could the Myth of Osiris be an ancient axiom for DMT and where in our world we find it?

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Graham Hancock – Forgotten Sixth Sense Technologies Of The Ancient World

Graham Hancock – Forgotten Sixth Sense Technologies Of The Ancient World

via :SacredScienceDoc (10:45 min excerpt from full interview below) Published on Aug 26, 2016 In a former life, Graham was a foreign affairs journalist for The Economist, but for the last 25 years, he has been deeply investigating the mysteries of our human past. When I first read his bestselling Fingerprints of the Gods more than fifteen years ago, it […]

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