Tag: Marija Gimbutas

Cycles of Global Change - Part 5 - Civilization of the Goddess

Cycles of Global Change – Part 5 – Civilization of the Goddess

Over the course of the last several articles I have been describing the emergence of a goddess worshiping civilization in the aftermath of a powerful series of catastrophes that terminated the great ice age between 11 and 13 thousand years ago. I have presented evidence that human populations may have suffered a significant decline in numbers across the transition, as […]

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Artifacts of Goddess Worship

Cycles of Global Change – Part 4 – The Rise of the Goddess Civilization

This article is the fourth installment in a series describing events that occurred in the four millennia leading up the beginning of recorded history when cuneiform writing first appeared in Sumer about 5000 years ago. As our knowledge of prehistory evolves we are realizing that there is far more to the story than has been recognized by previous generations of […]

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