Tag: meteorite

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 2

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 2

On the morning of June 30 in the year 1908 a mighty explosion occurred in the skies over eastern Siberia. As a result of this explosion more than 800 square miles of old growth taiga forest was instantly blown over and nearly 100 square miles immediately below the blast epicenter was utterly incinerated. The cause of this blast has been […]

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Randall Carlson on the Midwest Real podcast

Randall Carlson on the Midwest Real podcast

Randall spoke with the guys frankly and openly about his experiences within Masonry, his research into ancient cultures and cataclysms, sacred texts and much, much more. Get ready to go into the deep end with this one.

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