Tag: nazi

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled

Zionist Jewish Freemasonry Unveiled: Welcome, truth seekers! Recent headlines continue to affirm my decision and patriotic duty to uncover the intricate web of global Freemasonry and its deep-rooted ties to the New World Order’s agenda of depopulation and enslavement. Join me as we unravel the hidden truths behind these secret societies, shedding light on their dark practices and challenging the status quo of orthodox mind controlled ‘history’.

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Gnosis 12: Joe Atwill Returns - Freemasonry, Q, & Trump on Trial

Gnosis 12: Joe Atwill Returns – Freemasonry, Q, & Trump on Trial

Joseph Atwill, best selling author of Caesar’s Messiah and Shakespeare’s Secret Messiah returns to the Gnosis Podcast to share more information implicating British Freemasonry as the force behind Zionism, WW1, WW2 and the creation of the messianic Hitler character.
Later on in the show we talk about current geopolitical news, Trump’s declaration to use his full subpoena power in his defense with his upcoming trial; the most effective way for average Americans to become involved in preserving our democratic republic, and the reason the 9/11 false flag attacks were carried out on that particular date as it relates the Jewish ritual date of remembarance of various negative events they’ve suffered in their fabled history: including the destruction of their temples, as well as being excommunicated from various countries throughout their history.

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Gnosis 08: Joseph Atwill, William Ramsey on Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

Gnosis 08: Joseph Atwill, William Ramsey on Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

In this discussion Joe and William provide information supporting the Freemasonic origins of Theosophy, Zionism, and Nazism. This is the hidden history which is emerging now as the United States is beset on all sides by the deep state globalists, and the latest incarnations of the zionist-nazi false dialectic. This order out of chaos method of dividing and conquering an enemy into polarized camps, both of which are controlled by the same hidden hand, absolutely must be understood for humanity to overcome its greatest adversaries; the cabal and its subsidiary secret societies responsible for fomenting revolutionary terror for centuries towards the goal of a one world satanic kingdom.

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Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill - The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah joins Gnosis to discuss the creation of Theosophy via British Freemasonry; the funding of the proto-Zionist movement via Brown Brothers Harriman the fashioning and training of Adolph Hitler by his handler Dietrich Eckhart and the ‘spiritual’ inspiration he received from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine”. Learn how Theodor Herzl the “spiritual father of zionism” was nothing more than a cut-out or lifetime actor , dancing to the tune of the first Jewish British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. How Madame Blavatsky performed a similar role for Freemason Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, recruited by him to play the inspired mystic whose ‘miraculous’ adventures into occult knowledge and initiation became the foundation for the crypto-masonic brotherhood offshoot Theosophy. See how the “elite” parasites of the new world order designed and implemented their sickening agenda of global genocide by manufacturing World War Two, a war which at a minimum caused over 80 million deaths (with estimates as high as 250 million), culminating in the fiery holocaust of humanity caught up in their satanic blood letting. If you want to understand the world we live in, you must cut away the mystification and propaganda of the “ascended masters” and see true the catastrophic effects on humanity of the hidden hand of history.

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Occult Forces - Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled - ROBERT SEPEHR

Occult Forces – Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled – ROBERT SEPEHR

Forces Occultes (Occult Forces – subtitled The mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled for the first time on the screen) is a French film of 1943, notable as the last film to be directed by ex-Freemason Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy). The film recounts the life of a young member of parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch […]

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Anthropology of Occult Secret Societies - ROBERT SEPEHR

Anthropology of Occult Secret Societies – ROBERT SEPEHR

A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. A Mystery School is a group of initiates who have dedicated themselves to preserving, protecting and perpetuating the mystery teachings. Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, and societies, in both the present and past, including past human species (Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistics, Culture).

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Covert Deep State Operations - ROBERT SEPEHR

Covert Deep State Operations – ROBERT SEPEHR

James Forrestal was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense. Born in New York, he was the youngest son of Irish immigrants, an amateur boxer in his youth, and later nominated to be Undersecretary of the Navy by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940, where he led the national effort […]

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