Tag: nazism

Seal of Theosophy

The Freemason Invention of the Nazi Party

A fact that has been largely unrecognized is that the infamous Nazi Party seems to have been a longstanding project of Freemasonry. This secretive organization was able to achieve this without being recognized by using a proxy, Helena Blavatsky, and the pseudo – mystical organization she invented, the Theosophical Society.

While may strike the reader as farfetched, it is the case that virtually every aspect of what became the Nazi party originated from a member the Theosophical Society. Whereas one or two aspects could certainly be circumstantial, the number of disparate elements that owe their origin to members of the Theosophical Society is unlikely an accident. It appears that the Theosophical Society was used as a mystical camouflage under which the Nazis symbols, racial and economic perspectives, the Nazi party itself and finally its leader, Adolf Hitler, were created.

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CryptoBeast #11 with Special Guest Joe Atwill – Quatuor Coronati, Theosophy and the Z’s

CryptoBeast #11 with Special Guest Joe Atwill – Quatuor Coronati, Theosophy and the Z’s

Could it be that Zionism and Nazism both came from the same place? Was Anti-Semitism invented by these same people as a weaponized form of social engineering?

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