Tag: NEO

Randall Returns to RT.com to Discuss Asteroid 2020 DA4

Randall Returns to RT.com to Discuss Asteroid 2020 DA4

Via RT.com The News with Rick Sanchez – March 4, 2020 Randall’s part begins around 19:40 Related article Asteroid that could cause ‘violent’ sky explosions approaching Earth An asteroid that threatens to blast Earth with fiery debris will skim past our planet this weekend. The space rock is the size of a blue whale and will zip past at 14,000 […]

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Animation showing asteroids in the solar system between Jan 1, 1999, and Jan 31, 2018 © YouTube / NASA

Blood-curdling video shows near-Earth asteroids spotted by NASA have skyrocketed in 20yrs

Via Rt.com via GIPHY Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) are asteroids and comets in orbits that come within 121 million miles (195 million km) of the sun, and also within roughly 30 million miles of Earth’s orbit around our star. Data from January 1, 1999 to the end of January 2018 shows the spectacular increase in asteroid discoveries in the Solar System. […]

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The size of asteroid Bennu, which is 1,614 feet (492 meters) wide, is compared with the Empire State Building and Eiffel Tower in this NASA image.
Credit: NASA

Visit to ‘Armageddon Asteroid’ Could Save Future Earth from Impact

Via Space.com By Nola Taylor Redd, Space.com Contributor | September 9, 2016 11:52am ET CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — The asteroid-sample-return mission that launched into space yesterday (Sept. 8) may help protect Earth from future life-threatening impacts by rogue space rocks. The target of the OSIRIS-REx mission is an asteroid known as Bennu, which circles the sun just inside the orbit of Mars […]

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Planetary defense: NASA creates office to oversee asteroid detection

Planetary defense: NASA creates office to oversee asteroid detection

Via RT.com With heightened concern over potential ‘Armageddon’-like asteroids causing a ‘Deep Impact’ on Earth, NASA has created a new office tasked with coordinating detection of potential crashes and “planning for planetary defense.” Part of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will supervise all NASA efforts that track near-Earth objects (NEOs), such as asteroids and comets. […]

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Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 500 injured

Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 500 injured

Eyewitness accounts of the meteorite phenomenon, handpicked by RT. According to unconfirmed reports, the meteorite was intercepted by an air defense unit at the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. A missile salvo blew the meteorite to pieces at an altitude of 20 kilometers, local newspaper Znak reports quoting a source in the military. Regnum news agency quoted a military source who […]

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