Tag: new york city

This is how big an asteroid would need to be to wipe out New York City

This is how big an asteroid would need to be to wipe out New York City

An asteroid doesn’t need to be massive to cause serious damage. The Chicxulub asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs is estimated to have been about 6 miles in diameter. That may sound like a pretty big space rock, but relative to Earth it’s pretty tiny. But what’s the likelihood of an asteroid of that size coming into contact with Earth […]

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Photo: Earthsky.org 
The red dots mark locations where the Great Meteor Procession of 1913. View larger. Map via Sky & Telescope and Texas State University.

Cosmic Lessons – The Great Meteor Procession of 1913

Four preceding articles in this series have dealt with the great Siberian meteorite impact of June 30, 1908. I believe that this event is far more important than the degree of attention it has received in recent years outside the astronomical community. Perhaps the most important question that is raised by the Tunguska Event has to do with the frequency […]

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