Tag: quabalah

The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

“The Temple of Solomon was supposedly built by demons that Solomon had summoned because the God that Solomon worshipped was the satanic god of Egypt Set which is a god of darkness and chaos and a lot of this is incorporated into Freemasonry. The Freemasons believe they are the children of Cain and Cain believe dhe was the child of teh Serpetn in the garden of Edeen of Eve and Samael or Lucifer. They refer to themeslves as Widows son, meaning that their father is the serpent in the garden of eden, their father is Samael.”

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 3. The Womb of Sacred Geometry

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 3. The Womb of Sacred Geometry

As described in depth in ‘What’s the Point’ the second article, or lesson, in this series on the meaning of Sacred Geometry, it was explained that the entire process of Sacred Geometry begins with a mere point. From that initial point either a straight line or a circle may be generated. This initial generating point was likened to a seed. […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry 
Image via Phidelity.com

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry

Original SGI YouTube Channel deleted by Satanists at YouTube and in the comments) Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly […]

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