Tag: redemption

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – part 6

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – part 6

Read part 5 here. Is Climate Change Becoming More Severe? Most climatologists are in agreement that the global climate has warmed somewhere around a degree Fahrenheit since the middle of the 19th century and the easing of the Little Ice Age. Actually the IPCC placed the warming at about .85 degrees Celsius. However, and this is a fact: one degree […]

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REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and The Demonization of CO2 – part 5

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and The Demonization of CO2 – part 5

Read part 4 here Figure 1. Global net primary productivity increase as of 2010. The phenomenon of planetary greening has continued unabated since then. Source: CSIRO Australia. “Deserts ‘greening’ from rising carbon dioxide: Green foliage boosted across the world’s arid regions.” Science Daily, July 8, 2013. Greening the Earth When confronted with this reality of global greening, the typical response […]

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Irrigated Cotton, China

Photograph by Keren Su, Getty Images

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – Part 3

Read parts 1 & 2 here: One More Benefit: Carbon Dioxide and Ozone There is another benefit to carbon dioxide enrichment that needs to be discussed. It relates to the effects of ozone pollution on plants. Ozone (O3) is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms that normally makes up only about 0.6 parts per million of the atmosphere. The […]

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Image via Business Insider

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – Part 1

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 This essay and review of research into the carbon cycle and its effect upon the biosphere, more specifically upon the realm of plants and vegetation, is intended to provide a synopsis of evidence and information that is generally being neglected in mainstream discussions of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) […]

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Sangreal, The  Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 2

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 2

“Hear ye the history of the most holy vessel that is called the Grail, in which the precious blood of Jesus was received on the day that He was put on the Cross.” Perlesvaus: Anonymous – Early 13th Century Last month, in the article Sangreal, The  Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 1  I wrote, “That […]

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