Tag: tsunami

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 2

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 2

Read part 1 here. PRELUDE Like the Mosul Dam, the Teton Dam was an earthen embankment structure and, like the current dangerous predicament of the Mosul Dam, the failure of the Teton Dam was the result of the cumulative effect of human error. The multiple purposes for which the dam was being built included agricultural irrigation, flood control, power generation […]

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Photo Credit: Jenny Mackness - Krishna's Butterball.

Cosmic Lessons: Burckle Crater and Megatsunamis – Part 1

I concluded last month’s entry with a discussion of very large chevron-shaped deposits found on the southern coast of the island of Madagascar by Dallas Abbott and her colleagues. At a recent December, 2015 meeting of the American Geophysical Union this team presented further evidence supporting their controversial 2006 supposition that these landforms had been produced by gigantic tsunami waves. […]

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