Tag: youtube

SGI YouTube Account Terminated – Over the Target

SGI YouTube Account Terminated – Over the Target

So you’d all better wake up, you’ve been taught baloney and bullshit all your life, and you put a little mayonnaise on it and you eat it and you go to town and you think you’re full of food. But you’re not, you are spiritually desolate. You know nothing.” – William Cooper “If he would be deceived let him be […]

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Drawing a Massive Dotwork Mandala – Zak Korvin

Drawing a Massive Dotwork Mandala – Zak Korvin

A massive dotwork mandala I drew with traditional techniques (compass and straightedge). It took five 6-8 hour sessions. I thought when it was over I’d be excited but I couldn’t look at it anymore. I was over it. The next day I got to take it all in and I was really pleased with what I’d created. Tools I use […]

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