“An interesting coincidence is the person who ran that mine, who minted those coins was also an alchemist. The history of money is totally tied in with the history of alchemy in a lot of different ways.”
Editors note: Tracey Twyman died pursuing protection of the innocent. She is one of the greatest occult researches of our era and also one of the good guys, not content to just sell out and pursue superficial fame or grandeur, but to fight it out in the trenches of psychic/spiritual combat.
The hope being, that this Gnosis (of our enemy) would help awaken and revive the weakened warriors of the world; so that they could effectively continue to fight for truth, justice and healthy relationship among all people.
Easier said than done, the diaGnosis must come before the proper medicine is prescribed; with that in mind, ask yourself what knowledge is required for mankind to overcome these occultist control schemes.
My hope is that you, like Tracy Twyman, are not content to slave your life away in pursuit of the comfortable illusions of satanic globalists. May the light of conscious awareness banish these evil snakes back into the abyss. – Astromonk
The Knights Templar, Baphomet, & The Alchemy of Finance – Tracy Twyman on THC
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Higherside Chats | Tracy Twyman | The Knights Templar, Baphomet, & The Alchemy of Finance
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