January 1, 2015 at 1:06 am

Yima, Noah, Cometary Disaster and A New Massive Underground City Discovered In Turkey – Graham Hancock


underground_city_turkeyVia Graham Hancock

Graham_H_PortraitI have visited a number of the underground ‘cities’ of Turkey. Now another has been found, and the report (linked here: http://bit.ly/1tbWXBa) is intriguing. I’m reminded of ancient Iranian traditions (Iran and Turkey are neighboring countries) concerning Yima (the Iranian equivalent of Noah) and precautions taken to preserve human life during an episode of sudden and intense cold that gripped the world in remote prehistory.

Could this cold episode have been the Younger Dryas (from 12,800 years ago to 11,600 years ago) and if so might the underground ‘cities’ be much older than archaeologists imagine? Here are some brief notes I’ve made on the Iranian tradition.

Airyana Vaejo – ancestral Iranian paradise: Mild and productive climate with seven months of summer and five of winter. Rich in wildlife and in crops, its meadows flowing with streams, this garden of delights was at one time converted, the Zoroastrian scriptures report, into an uninhabitable wasteland:

“Angra Mainyu, who is full of death, created an opposition to the same, a mighty serpent and snow. Ten months of winter are there now, two months of summer, and these are cold as to the water, cold as to the earth, cold as to the trees … There all around falls deep snow; that is the direst of plagues …”

And Ahura Mazda spake unto Yima saying:

‘Yima the fair … Upon the material world a fatal winter is about to descend, that shall bring a vehement, destroying frost. Upon the corporeal world will the evil of winter come, wherefore snow will fall in great abundance. …
‘And all three sorts of beasts shall perish, those that live in the wilderness, and those that live on the tops of the mountains, and those that live in the depths of the valleys under the shelter of stables.
‘Therefore make thee a var [a hypogeum or underground enclosure] the length of a riding ground to all four corners. Thither bring thou the representatives of every kind of beast, great and small, of the cattle, of the beasts of burden, and of men, of dogs, of birds, and of the red burning fires.
‘There shalt thou make water flow. Thou shall put birds in the trees along the water’s edge, in verdure which is everlasting. There put specimens of all plants, the loveliest and most fragrant, and of all fruits the most succulent. All these kinds of things and creatures shall not perish as long as they are in the var…’

The var is a means of surviving a terrible and devastating ‘winter’ which will destroy every living creature by covering the earth with a freezing blanket of ice and snow.

‘Therefore make thee a var [a hypogeum or underground enclosure] the length of a riding ground to all four corners. Thither bring thou the representatives of every kind of beast, great and small, of the cattle, of the beasts of burden, and of men, of dogs, of birds, and of the red burning fires.

In another of the Zoroastrian scriptures, more information is provided on the cataclysm of glaciation that overwhelmed Airyana Vaejo. When Angra Mainyu sent the ‘vehement destroying frost’, he also ‘assaulted and deranged the sky’.
The Bundahish tells us that this assault enabled the Evil One to master ‘one third of the sky and overspread it with darkness’

Again I’m reminded of the Younger Dryas, a current focus of my research for ‘Magicians of the Gods’, the sequel I am now writing to Fingerprints of the Gods. There is overwhelming evidence that the Younger Dryas cold episode was brought on by a comet (‘a mighty serpent’?) that hit the earth 12,800 years ago.

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