Category: Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

Graham Hancock’s Dispatches From The Frontier of Forgotten History

Graham Hancock’s Dispatches From The Frontier of Forgotten History

*Editors note: International best selling author Graham Hancock and independent scholar Randall Carlson are currently embarked on a research expedition together, touring some of the more prominent geological remains for the catastrophic global floods which drowned North America ~13,000 years ago.  This history rewriting expedition is in preparation for the sequel to Graham’s most renowned work, Fingerprints of the Gods: […]

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Randall Carlson amidst the Swan Falls Boulder Bar

Randall Carlson: The Making of a Catastrophist – Part 1

I spent most of my youth in rural Minnesota. The area where we lived, about 10 miles northwest of Minneapolis, was a rolling mosaic of hills, pasture, forest, meadow, agricultural fields, and countless lakes. The landscape was the product of the great ice age which came to an end only about 10 thousand years ago. The many hills were piles […]

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Catastrophism In The Ancient World

Catastrophism In The Ancient World

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The view of Earth change that prevailed through most of the Twentieth Century — one of slow, virtually imperceptible changes accumulating over eons of time to eventually create the world in its present form — is giving way to a model involving sudden and extreme upheavals of nature that completely overturn the established order of things. The countless numbers of […]

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Preliminary Matters

Preliminary Matters

Preliminary Matters

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History of Catastrophism

History of Catastrophism

History of Catastrophism

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Interactive Timelines

This Timeline chronicles significant discoveries

in the field of Catastrophism and the New Catastrophism by scholars, scientists, researchers, explorers, etc. that has contributed to our evolving awareness and understanding of Earth’s violent past. This timeline begins at the dawn of the 18th century and will, when complete, extend to the present.

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Glossary for Catastrophism

Glossary for Catastrophism

Note: All reference sources consulted in compiling this glossary are found at the end. Where the definitions are quoted verbatim the appropriate abbreviation is listed in brackets after the definition.

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Glacial Maximum

Glacial Maximum

Glacial Maximum

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North America Event Map

North America Event Map

North America Event Map

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Pleistocene Extinction

Pleistocene Extinction

Pleistocene Extinction

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Katyclysmos & Ekpyrosis

Katyclysmos & Ekpyrosis

Katyclysmos & Ekpyrosis

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Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

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