Category: Videos

Manly P. Hall – Atlantis, The Pyramids, & America’s Lesson (Images By Danny Wilten)

Manly P. Hall – Atlantis, The Pyramids, & America’s Lesson (Images By Danny Wilten)

Manly P. Hall – Atlantis, The Pyramids, & America’s Lesson (Images By Danny Wilten)

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The Mysterious Origins of Civilization: the legendary John Anthony West in conversation with Graham Hancock

The Mysterious Origins of Civilization: the legendary John Anthony West in conversation with Graham Hancock

Via The Mysterious Origins of Civilization: the legendary John Anthony West in conversation with Graham Hancock Filmed in New York, December 2016, a month before John was diagnosed with cancer. Please show your support for this great man and for his work by making a donation to his crowdfunding campaign, The John Anthony West Project, here: Filmed, produced […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

“A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson

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New Trailer featuring Graham Hancock discussing Atlantis (Video)

New Trailer featuring Graham Hancock discussing Atlantis (Video)

You can watch the 1/2 of the almost 2 hour interview here E con un miglior flusso sanguigno, abbiamo una migliore erezione. Hi, I do think this is an excellent web

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Graham Hancock’s Magicians of the Gods & Elitist Academia (Going Underground)

Graham Hancock’s Magicians of the Gods & Elitist Academia (Going Underground)

Via Afshin Rattansi goes underground on an attempted academic coup in Turkey’s Göbekli Tepe. International bestseller & Author of ‘Magicians of the Gods’, Graham Hancock, discusses a catastrophic event that wiped out our ancient ancestors & the institutions trying to keep this civilisation a secret. Published on Aug 16, 2016 Acupuncture shows promise for treating ED and Ive […]

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Twin Sisters - Scabland Residual of Great Missoula Floods

“Decoding the Ice Age Floods – Wallula Gap” Graham Hancock interviews Randall Carlson (Video)

Via Graham Hancock and GeoCosmicRex As regular visitors to this page will know I had the privilege of making a lengthy research trip across the northern states of the US in September/October with leading catastrophist investigator Randall Carlson. The video linked here is the first of a series from our research trip that we will be releasing. I made the […]

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Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Repost from While Graham Hancock, Robert Schoch & John Anthony West are undoubtedly ‘house-hold names’ in the Alt-history movement, the same might not be said of Randall Carlson. Which is a bloody, unforgivable shame. I first learned of Randall fairly recently, thanks in large part to the Podfather himself, Joe Rogan, who had him on his show The Joe Rogan Experiencelast May, and if […]

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Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan Wax Philosphic on Atlantis, The Cosmic Destiny of Mankind and Cycles of Catastrophe

Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan Wax Philosphic on Atlantis, The Cosmic Destiny of Mankind and Cycles of Catastrophe

Via Thanks to fanscribed for providing a fanmade transcript of this legendary podcast.   Had an incredible conversation with Randall Carlson of @SacredGeoInt today. Mind blowing is a huge understatement. — Joe Rogan (@joerogan) May 15, 2014 @joerogan @SacredGeoInt JESUS CHRIST THIS GUY IS SMART! My brain is rapidly melting with each word he speaks. #JRE — Wourms […]

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Sacred Geometry Classes Online, Level 2: Evolution: Reading the Hermetic Blueprints (Video)

Sacred Geometry Classes Online, Level 2: Evolution: Reading the Hermetic Blueprints (Video)

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Randall Carlson – Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe

Randall Carlson – Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe

January 3, 2014 Randall Carlson is a professional designer and builder, student of Sacred Geometry and a long time Freemason. Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Teaser

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Teaser

Join Independent Scholar Randall Carlson as he presents an authoritative overview of the “master key” of the Ancient Mysteries, Sacred Geometry. You will be shown the significance of the “Sacred Canon of Numerical Cosmology”and how it affects every aspect of life from the,”Sub-microscopic to the Super Galactic.” Extending this pattern into the dimensions of Catastrophism and Earth History demonstrates the overarching significance of these sacred proportions in space, time, and human history.

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Dvd Preview part 2

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Dvd Preview part 1 Erwerben Sie Sildenafil unter Beratungen und Empfehlungen sind professionell! If you are unable to achieve an erection adequate for sex viagra and cialis and levitra.

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The Mystic Treasure – The Joy Camp

The Mystic Treasure – The Joy Camp

Another Classic from our friend The Joy Camp entitled “The Mystic Treasure”.

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Climate Change:  A Catastrophist’s Perspective

Climate Change: A Catastrophist’s Perspective

An in depth examination of the science and politics behind a modern day controversy.

Is the issue settled, as mainstream media would have us believe?
Is there truly a consensus to which all climate scientists agree? What exactly does consensus mean in science?
What does the peer reviewed literature actually tell us?

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“The Challenge Before Us…” Randall Carlson describes the “Essence of The Great Work”

“The Challenge Before Us…” Randall Carlson describes the “Essence of The Great Work”

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Ayahuasca, Catastrophism, Gnostic Mysteries & Ancient Egypt with Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock

Ayahuasca, Catastrophism, Gnostic Mysteries & Ancient Egypt with Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock

The Joe Rogan Experience with Graham Hancock, podast #142. Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan, and Duncan Trussell wax poetic on all manner of topics, from the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt, to the Shamanic Technology of Ayahuasca and the Catastrophic induction of the New World Order ~12,960 years ago. Not one to be missed!

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Randall Carlson: Earth Changes and the Precession of the Equinox

Randall Carlson: Earth Changes and the Precession of the Equinox

Randall Carlson tries to dispel misunderstandings surrounding the Earth’s changes and place the subject on a solid scientific foundation. He uses mythic traditions of the past with scientific research in the fields of geology, astronomy, paleontology, archeology and ancient history.

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Joe Rogan & Randall Carlson Talk Catastrophism, Ayahuasca, & D.M.T

Joe Rogan & Randall Carlson Talk Catastrophism, Ayahuasca, & D.M.T

Recorded 10/8/2008 (approximately) at the Punchline Comedy Club in Atlanta.

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Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

What is ArchaeoAstronomy? 32˚ degree FreeMason and Independent Scholar Randall Carlson describes the utilization of ArchaeoAstronomy as employed by ancient master builders throughout human history around the world. From Egypt to Angkor Wat, from Stonehenge to Machu Pichu, why were our ancestors seemingly obsessed with observing the motions of the heavens and bringing them down unto the Earth in architectural form? What are the implications of their desire to literally mirror the patterns of the heavens on the Earth?

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Ask Randall: What Is Sacred Geometry? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Sacred Geometry? (VIDEO)

What Is Sacred Geometry? How can understanding the “Hidden Architecture of Creation” serve mankind in it’s current phase of evolutionary transition? Could this Sacred Science serve as the master key for understanding our cosmic destiny as a species? Peer within and contemplate the Mysteries with Renegade Scholar Randall Carlson.

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