December 25, 2014 at 12:56 am

As Above So Below Do the Giza Monuments encode the date of the Younger Dryas comet impact? – Graham Hancock




Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World

Graham_H_PortraitThe earth was hit by a comet around 12,800 years ago with globally cataclysmic effects that brought on an epoch of devastating, cold, darkness and floods known by geologists as the Younger Dryas. For the past seven years academics have been involved in such an intense dispute about whether or not the comet impact actually occurred that the implications of what it might have meant for the story of civilisation have not yet been considered at all. But every attempt to refute the impact evidence has in turn been refuted and the case for the Younger Dryas comet is now so compelling that it is time to widen the debate. The epicentre of the impact was on the North American ice cap but other large fragments of the same object also hit the Northern European ice cap, and impact evidence has also been found as far afield as the Middle East (e.g. see point number 22 on the diagram here:

Though not yet confirmed, it is possible that some fragments may have hit Egypt and this raises an intriguing speculation concerning the ancient Egyptian cult of the Benben stone. As long ago as 1989 my friend and colleague Robert Bauval proposed in the academic journal “Discussions in Egyptology” that the original Benben stone might have been an oriented iron meteorite. You can read his article here: I suggest it is worth re-opening this discussion to consider whether the mysterious object worshipped in the Mansion of the Phoenix in Heliopolis might in fact have been a fragment of the Younger Dryas comet that caused the global cataclysm of 12,800 years ago. Like the Phoenix, comets are objects that return again and again to our skies and it is conceivable that some fragments of the Younger Dryas comet remain in orbit and might even threaten us today.

Such speculations add new light to the strange correlation of sky and ground (see attached graphic) that memorialises the sky of 12,800 years ago in the giant monuments of Egypt’s Giza plateau where the priesthood of Heliopolis practiced their star religion. I propose that this religion — the title of the High Priest of Heliopolis was “Chief of the Astronomers” — had its origins in a lost civilisation destroyed during the Younger Dryas cataclysm, and that survivors of that civilization settled in Egypt and created a message to the future written in the language of astronomy and monumental architecture that was designed to draw attention to the exact epoch of the comet impact. I will be exploring these ideas further in “Magicians of the Gods” the sequel I am now writing to “Fingerprints of the Gods”.

[pullquote]Like the Phoenix, comets are objects that return again and again to our skies and it is conceivable that some fragments of the Younger Dryas comet remain in orbit and might even threaten us today. [/pullquote]

Additional note (1): The ancient Egyptians called the Milky Way the “Winding Waterway”. The constellation of Orion was seen as the celestial image of the god Osiris, said to have brought the gifts of civilization to Egypt in the remote past in the epoch called Zep Tepi, “the First Time”.

Additional note (2) The graphic indicates the sky over Giza as it would looked early in the precessional “Age of Leo” (the period of roughly 2,160 years — between approximately 12,970 years ago and 10,810 years ago) when the constellation of Leo “housed” the sun on the Spring Equinox. Because of the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, each of the 12 zodiacal constellations takes it’s turn to house the sun during the course of “Great Year” which lasts a total of 12 X 2,160 years, i.e. 25,920 years. The alignment indicated in the graphic therefore only recurs every 25,920 years.

Learn more about The Great Year or Precession of the Equinoxes here:

Please also see our related articles here:
The Great year of the World, Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe.

Ask Randall: Duration of the Great Year.


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  1. Interesting thesis. Thank you Mr. Hancock.

    • Good to hear from you “Charlie” 🙂 How are you? You still on facebook?

      • Hey! No. I stopped doing business with Facebook. Last summer I got a new I.T. gig with a big organization. The politics of who to “not friend” became silly and a hassle. My 90 year-old Great Aunt “liking” my posts about prison rape and Silk Road was just too weird.

  2. The pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere around the globe were almost certainly built BEFORE the Younger Dryas catastrophe and subsequent Ice Age which killed off the advanced civilisations then existing. Such a scenario helps to explain the many obvious discrepancies between the recorded historical record and the physical evidence.