January 8, 2015 at 6:09 pm

Grimerica Continues Talking to Randall Carlson; Sacred Geometry, Catastrophist Theories, Renegade Scholarship & more


Cosmic_Patterns_SquareGrimerica Continues Talking to Randall Carlson; Sacred Geometry, Catastrophist Theories, Renegade Scholarship & more

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Randall Carlson is back in Grimerica to once again smash your paradigm with sacred geometry, catastrophist theories, renegade scholarship and much much more. He’s on the quest for the Cosmic Grail.

It is the mission of Sacred Geometry International and The Cosmographic Research Institute to investigate and document the catastrophic history of the world and the evidence for advanced knowledge in earlier cultures; through educational programs to advance a deeper understanding of the implications of this knowledge for both past and the future of planet Earth and Human civilization upon it; and to promote strategies for successfully coping with the inevitable change that is to come.

The guys chat about alternative history – ancient archaeology pre and post ice age. And what a delicate culture we really are with the potential catastrophe via natural planetary disaster or asteroid impact. Throw in a little bit of sacred geometry and anti Al Gorian climate change talk.




The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World – Upcoming Webinar with Randall Carlson on Jan 4th and Jan 11th

Read more at Grimerica.ca