Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Alchemical Evolution – Part 11
Last month I discussed some noteworthy etymological connections relating to encounters between the Earth and cosmic material, as well as some of the effects of such an encounter. I mentioned that an important constituent of this material delivered to Earth by way of comets and asteroids was the platinum group metals, or PGM’s and I quoted Soviet biologist Dr. Vasilieyev of Tomsk University regarding the remarkable genetic effects observed in the post 1908 impact environment at Tunguska, Siberia, where and I concluded with this statement:
“. . . incursion of cosmic material into the biosphere can indeed catalyze extraordinary evolutionary changes, which brings us to the threshold of the forgotten knowledge of cosmic alchemy. . .”
The key word here is catalyze, which means to be acted upon by a catalyst, a substance which either causes or accelerates a chemical change without, however, being permanently affected by the reaction. The platinum group metals are possessed of unique chemical and physical properties, among which are their effectiveness as catalysts for a variety of processes. The catalytic converter which transforms noxious automobile exhaust into harmless byproducts utilizes the PGMs to catalyze the conversion of toxic nitrogen dioxide into benign oxygen and nitrogen gas. Both the pre-Incans and the Egyptians held platinum in high esteem, incorporating it into beautiful jewelry.
. . . incursion of cosmic material into the biosphere can indeed catalyze extraordinary evolutionary changes, which brings us to the threshold of the forgotten knowledge of cosmic alchemy. . .
The first of the PGM’s to be discovered in modern times was palladium, by chemist William Hyde Wollaston in 1803, who named it after the asteroid Pallas, discovered only two months earlier by astronomer Wilhelm Olbers. In choosing to name his newly discovered substance after an asteroid, could Wollaston have intuited that the source of palladium on Earth was through delivery by asteroids? And could Olbers, in naming his asteroid after Pallas Athene from Greek Mythology, who, it is said, sprang as a full-grown warrior queen from the forehead of her father, Zeus, have sensed that the myth of Pallas Athene concealed an allegory for the role of the giant planet Jupiter in launching comets and asteroids into the inner solar system, where their cargo of exotic metals could be delivered to Earth?

Whatever the case may be, discovery of the other five PGM’s followed in short order. However, according to the research of the late Laurence Gardner, genealogist, author, Prior of the Celtic Church and holder of other notable affiliations, the properties of these metals were understood by ancient peoples, more particularly the Egyptians and Sumerians. In his 2003 book Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Gardner states that “It is generally cited in encyclopedias and reference books that PGMs came to our attention as late as the 19th century, and perhaps the best known is palladium. . . However, it is now plain from discoveries relating to the distant BC years that the ancients were fully aware of the individual properties of these platinum group metals.” Gardner explores the traditions surrounding several of the ‘sacred stones’ of antiquity and comments specifically with regards to iridium crystal that it “glows with transparent color like any precious gemstone. The name “iridium” was applied in 1803 by virtue of this very iridescence (from the Latin iris: rainbow). Brought to earth by meteorites, iridium is an extraterrestrial metal, which can form its own rare glass-like rock, which the ancients called sappir. This was the Schethiyâ, “stone of heaven,” said to have been present beneath the Jerusalem Temple, as identified in the old tenets of Royal Arch Freemasonry…”
In Qabalistic tradition the Schethiya was a stone employed in the sacred ceremonies practiced in King Solomon’s Temple. In the Talmud it is called the ‘stone of foundation’ and the ‘stone of perfection.’ Gardner contends that the Schethiya was an instrument made of iridium crystal that could act directly on the pituitary gland and the production of serotonin.
Gardner contends that the Schethiya was an instrument made of iridium crystal that could act directly on the pituitary gland and the production of serotonin.
Esoteric traditions have long maintained that there are certain powers and potentialities inherent within minerals and metals. The 20th century alchemical author and practitioner Lapidus addressed this idea in 1976 when he wrote: “Modern science has not yet reached the state of all knowledge, and those secrets of nature that are known are indeed still a very minute part of the whole. In the long-lived family of metals there are still many potential secrets, undreamed of by man, remaining to be discovered. It is therefore unwise, to say the least, to deny the basis for this lost art, because the road to it has not yet been systematically investigated.” (Lapidus, 1976, In Pursuit of Gold – Samuel Weiser, Inc. p. 13)
“Modern science has not yet reached the state of all knowledge, and those secrets of nature that are known are indeed still a very minute part of the whole. In the long-lived family of metals there are still many potential secrets, undreamed of by man, remaining to be discovered. It is therefore unwise, to say the least, to deny the basis for this lost art, because the road to it has not yet been systematically investigated.”

That certain PGM’s could potentially have a profound impact on the human condition is hinted at in the work of Chemist Thomas J. Meade, and molecular biologist Jon F. Kayyem, whose experiments were described in a May, 1995 article in Scientific American. Their area of interest was in the way electrons move through large, complex molecules, such as chlorophyll, which converts the energy of sunlight into plant food through the proton stimulated movement of electrons. While investigating the complex molecular structure DNA they inadvertently made a remarkable discovery. I will quote from the Scientific American article.
“They devised a way of binding atoms of ruthenium . . . to ribose, one of the backbone components of the helical chains of DNA. Ruthenium atoms act like electrical connectors into and out of the molecule; they have the added virtue of neither disrupting nor distorting its overall shape. [remember, a catalyst causes or accelerates a chemical change without, however, being permanently affected by the reaction] Although there has been a long history of using such metals to understand DNA, the ruthenium-ribose combination revealed something extraordinary. The researchers examined the electrical properties of short lengths of double-helix DNA in which there was a ruthenium atom at each end of one of the strands. Meade and Kayyam estimated from earlier studies that a short single strand of DNA ought to conduct up to 100 electrons a second. Imagine their astonishment when they measured the rate of flow along the ruthenium-doped double helix: the current was up by a factor of more than 10,000 times—over a million electrons a second. It was as if the double helix was behaving like a piece of molecular wire.”
It would appear that the double helical geometry of the DNA molecule is a key factor in inducing resonance between it and the ruthenium atom, with the result that DNA is transformed into a superconductor.
Two of the most prolific sources for the mining of PGM’s in the world today are the Sudbury Basin in Ontario, Canada and the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa. Both of these formations are ancient giant craters, or astroblemes, created by hypervelocity impact of cosmic bodies that injected their exotic cargo into the Earth’s crust.

In 1993 Verne Oberbeck, John Marshall and Hans Aggarwall, scientists with NASA Ames Research Center, co-authored a paper entitled Impacts, Tillites and the Breakup of Gondwanaland. (Journal of Geology, vol. 101, p. 1-19) In this paper they looked at the long term geological consequences of the impact of cosmic objects. Tillites in the title refers to a type of formation consisting of widespread, unsorted jumbles of broken rock, generally believed to be the byproduct of glacial erosion, but here they consider that tillites, up until that point interpreted as evidence of ancient ice ages, may, in fact, result from the shattering of rocks by high energy impacts into the Earth’s crust. They surmise that flood basalt volcanism, rifting and even the ultimate breaking up of the supercontinent Gondwanaland, may have been the result of large impacts. They discuss the work of one of their colleagues, A. G. Jones with the Geological Survey of Canada, who, in 1987 “combined theoretical calculations with knowledge of the dynamic tensile behavior of rock and concluded that the propagating shock wave associated with formation of impact craters larger than 24 km [15 miles] would fracture the crust down to the Moho….We suggest that prolonged impact cratering . . . could have extensively fractured the lithosphere . . .The crustal fracturing from these impacts, as well as that from many more smaller ones, would have produced an extensive network of fracture weaknesses permeating the lithosphere. These fractures would have propagated vertically and radially . . .”
So let’s recap some of what we have learned so far in this series of articles. The word employed to describe the geological formation of a great excavation in the Earth’s crust caused by hypervelocity impact was the original Greek term from whence derives the term ‘Grail’ as in Holy Grail, referring to a special cup, plate, or saucer that confers properties of rejuvenation and longevity upon those who imbibe its contents, as well as restoring life to a barren wasteland. We have learned that as a byproduct of the great impact events exotic materials such as platinum group metals and biological and genetic precursors are introduced into the Earth’s crust and into the biosphere. We have learned that there were ancient traditions extracting and employing the cosmic materials in various ways, possibly to accelerate spiritual processes. We have learned that as a result of these powerful impacts the crust of the Earth is fractured and broken. This “extensive network of fracture weaknesses permeating the lithosphere” allows for the circulation of subterranean waters and the dispersion of the celestial products of impact throughout the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and ultimately, the biosphere. It is through this process, I am suggesting, that evolution is catalyzed. I am also suggesting that a sophisticated scientific knowledge of these processes has existed since ancient times and has been preserved to one extent or another in the traditions of the Holy Grail and Alchemy.
This “extensive network of fracture weaknesses permeating the lithosphere” allows for the circulation of subterranean waters and the dispersion of the celestial products of impact throughout the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and ultimately, the biosphere. It is through this process, I am suggesting, that evolution is catalyzed.

With all of this in mind contemplate the extraordinary symbolism of the Tarot Card entitled The Ace of Cups as depicted in the classical versions of the cards such as the Ryder-Waite or Builders of the Adytum decks, for here one of the essential secrets of the ancient science of Cosmic Alchemy is displayed for all those with the eyes to see and the knowledge to understand what they are seeing.
Until next time.
Read on: Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: The Secret Abides – Part 12 (Final Chapter)
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