Tag: 11

The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

“The Temple of Solomon was supposedly built by demons that Solomon had summoned because the God that Solomon worshipped was the satanic god of Egypt Set which is a god of darkness and chaos and a lot of this is incorporated into Freemasonry. The Freemasons believe they are the children of Cain and Cain believe dhe was the child of teh Serpetn in the garden of Edeen of Eve and Samael or Lucifer. They refer to themeslves as Widows son, meaning that their father is the serpent in the garden of eden, their father is Samael.”

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A NASA glaciologist has discovered a possible second impact crater buried under more than a mile of ice in northwest Greenland. Credit: NASA Goddard

NASA finds possible second impact crater under Greenland ice – Phys.org

February 11, 2019 by Maria-José Viñas, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Via Phys.org A NASA glaciologist has discovered a possible second impact crater buried under more than a mile of ice in northwest Greenland. This follows the finding, announced in November 2018, of a 19-mile-wide crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier—the first meteorite impact crater ever discovered under Earth’s ice sheets. Though […]

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The Most Epic Podcast in Internet History vol 2 - Rogan, Hancock, Carlson  - 11/15/16

The Most Epic Podcast in Internet History vol 2 – Rogan, Hancock, Carlson – 11/15/16

via GIPHY via GIPHY This Tuesday 11/15/16 marks the long awaited return of Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson to the Joe Rogan Podcast. Randall Carlson and I back on the @joerogan Experience Tues 15 Nov at 1.30pm (approx) Pacific time for more controversy and breaking news. — Graham Hancock (@Graham__Hancock) November 13, 2016 [wptabs][wptabtitle]Blu-Ray Preview[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLvuraN2vNapqhIpDIgIRO7eIk6gPvweqw” key=”AIzaSyAw4lB76cN9ZbNYfftnO7V46gSn5EMGkx8 ” […]

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Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan and Randall Carlson Together on 11/19/15

Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan and Randall Carlson Together on 11/19/15

Listen Live Here 11/19/15  Showtime ~10am – 1pm PST, 1 – 4pm EST  Youtube or on Ustream here. “Mother Earth has shaken many civilizations from her back.” – Manly P. Hall   Announcing the most epic podcast in internet history. Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan wax philosphic for 3 + hours of history rewriting discussion, centering around Graham’s […]

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Pleistocene megafauna (RIP)

Cycles of Global Change

As this article is going to press, yet another near miss of an asteroid has occurred accompanied by an apparent meteor strike. On Sunday, September 7, as asteroid 2014 RC was zooming by Earth at less than one tenth the distance to the Moon, what appears to be a meteorite struck the Earth blasting out a crater some 40 feet […]

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