Tag: 2012

Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset

Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset

One of the oldest stories on Earth may explain why the entire world is going mad

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The 2012 TC4 asteroid, seen at the center of this composite photo from the European Space Agency, will pass closer to Earth than the Moon (AFP Photo/HO)

Close call: passing asteroid to test Earth’s warning systems

Via Yahoo.com Mariëtte Le Roux AFPOctober 10, 2017 Paris (AFP) – A house-size asteroid will give Earth a near-miss Thursday, passing harmlessly inside the Moon’s orbit while giving experts a rare chance to rehearse for a real-life strike threat. Dubbed 2012 TC4, the space rock will shave past at an altitude of less than 44,000 kilometres (27,300 miles) — just […]

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The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe

The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe

  “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson When I was commencing my studies of geometry in the early 1970s, one of the first books which I […]

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Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Scott Onstott is an unexpected alchemist.  A soft spoken architect and autocad teacher by trade, Onstott has found himself called to continue in the footsteps of modern alternative historians such as Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, in pursuit of a greater Mystery, encoded in myth and mystical architecture, hidden in plain sight throughout the ages.  The revelations provided are truly […]

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Joe Rogan & Randall Carlson Talk Catastrophism, Ayahuasca, & D.M.T

Joe Rogan & Randall Carlson Talk Catastrophism, Ayahuasca, & D.M.T

Recorded 10/8/2008 (approximately) at the Punchline Comedy Club in Atlanta.

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Introduction to Sacred Geometry Presentation This Weekend 2.24.12

Introduction to Sacred Geometry Presentation This Weekend 2.24.12

Join Randall at Anachrocon 2012 This Weekend!

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Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

What is ArchaeoAstronomy? 32˚ degree FreeMason and Independent Scholar Randall Carlson describes the utilization of ArchaeoAstronomy as employed by ancient master builders throughout human history around the world. From Egypt to Angkor Wat, from Stonehenge to Machu Pichu, why were our ancestors seemingly obsessed with observing the motions of the heavens and bringing them down unto the Earth in architectural form? What are the implications of their desire to literally mirror the patterns of the heavens on the Earth?

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Evolver Fest 09 With Daniel Pinchbeck

Evolver Fest 09 With Daniel Pinchbeck

U.S. National Library of Medicine: Drug Information Portal – http://pguiducci.com/viagra-generiek-in-nederland.html Case Erp a Fiumicino, la dott Viagra. Marco Frattini Fisioterapista chiropratico Cialis – Senigallia Ed Pillola Italiana, particolarmente interessante per transazioni finanziarie.

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SGI Event Posters & Flyers

SGI Event Posters & Flyers

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In 1883, Did Earth Narrowly Miss Comet That Would Have Destroyed All Life?

In 1883, Did Earth Narrowly Miss Comet That Would Have Destroyed All Life?

“If they had collided with Earth we would have had 3275 Tunguska events in two days, probably an extinction event.”

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Joe Rogan and Daniel Pinchbeck: “As above so below”

Joe Rogan and Daniel Pinchbeck: “As above so below”

Joe Rogan and Daniel Pinchbeck discuss catastrophes, cataclysm and the reciprocal relationship between human spiritual development and cyclical/karmic destruction from Nature.

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2012 Theories and Myths: Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Gary Baddeley

2012 Theories and Myths: Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Gary Baddeley

DragonCon 2010 served as setting for this fascinating Question and Answer Panel entitled “2012 Theories and Myth featuring best selling author Graham Hancock, Renegade Scholar Randall Carlson & Filmmaker & Ceo of the Disinformation publishing company Gary Baddeley as well as other special guests. This was recorded on Sunday September 5th 2010 during the annual DragonCon celebration in Atlanta, Ga

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