Tag: america

Pluto’s Return and the Rebirth of Individual Freedom

Pluto’s Return and the Rebirth of Individual Freedom

The United States’ first Pluto’s Return has just begun on the auspicious day of 2/22/2022

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Russia and the US will work together to build a moon base

Russia and the US will work together to build a moon base – Yahoo Finance

Via Yahoo Finance There have been rumors that the US and Russia would be teaming up to build a lunar base. Sources within the country told Popular Mechanics that the head of their space organization, Roscosmos, was set to announce a partnership agreement with NASA this week. Now, Roscosmos and NASA have both released statements saying stating the two countries’ […]

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Figure 37. Men, choose your weapons. Volunteers getting ready to go to work

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 3

Read Parts 1 & 2 here. [meteor_slideshow slideshow=”teton-dam-collapse”] Click on left arrow to advance photos in chronological order from right to left. AFTERMATH In the effort to understand the causes and origins of this monumental failure there were a number of conclusions arrived at by the various investigating committees. No final agreement was ever reached as to any single cause […]

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The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World – Special Webinar Featuring Randall Carlson

The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World – Special Webinar Featuring Randall Carlson

Sacred Geometry International and Liminal Analytics: Applied Research Collaborative present a once in a lifetime transmedia experience with Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World. Two Sessions: Sunday January 4th and 11th, 2015 2pm – 4pm New York • 11am – 1pm San Francisco For over 40 years visionary […]

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“The Challenge Before Us…” Randall Carlson describes the “Essence of The Great Work”

“The Challenge Before Us…” Randall Carlson describes the “Essence of The Great Work”

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