Tag: Catastrophe

Gnosis, 9/11 Truth and Cycles of Catastrophe

Gnosis, 9/11 Truth and Cycles of Catastrophe

If we are ever to heal as a nation, as a world, as a species, we must absolutely get to the bottom of what really happened on 9/11.
“In the mind of this author, there can be no question of positive social change, no question of national or global healing, until human beings (particularly those in the western world) become lucidly cognizant and profoundly educated concerning the power of symbols, not only as transcendental portal, or mathematical devices, but as weapons in the hands of plutocratic elites, with occult agendas, laboring to arrest the mental, emotional, and spiritual maturation of the underclass.” – SK Bain

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Randall Carlson on Geomythology, Geology, and Cataclysmic Earth Events

Randall Carlson on Geomythology, Geology, and Cataclysmic Earth Events

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO KNOW WHO RANDALL IS YOU CAN SKIP INTRO: START AT 1:04mins. Randall Carlson is joining us for Earth Origins 2020 May 15-17 https://www.worldviewzmedia.com/ in Sedona for a weekend conference with fascinating speakers revealing mysteries or our amazing planet. Randall Carlson, EvD Erich von Daniken, Freddy Silva, Hugh Newman, Martin Gray, Regina Meredith, Michael Cremo, Jim […]

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Earth Catastrophe Cycle | IMPACTS w/ Randall Carlson

Earth Catastrophe Cycle | IMPACTS w/ Randall Carlson

Part 22 | Randall Carlson on impactors, the sun, the galaxy, and earth catastrophe cycle. Watch the whole series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Viagra è il nome commerciale di un farmaco molto popolare e rinomato nel trattamento della disfunzione erettile Cialis Get more stories like this delivered to your inbox http://hillstohawkesbury.com.au/nl/ Get updates on your favorite shows, “an amount that will have little […]

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Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson talk Younger-Dryas Catastrophe at Earth-Keeper ’18 conference

Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson talk Younger-Dryas Catastrophe at Earth-Keeper ’18 conference

GeoCosmic REX Published on Oct 18, 2018 (Part 1 of 2) Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson – Equinox weekend in Little Rock, Arkansas, 2018 at http://earth-keeper.com First 20 minutes is autobiographical/background on Randall Carlson and his inspirations into a lifetime of geological research. Then he and Graham get into the “Anthropocene” and mass extinctions, the mysteries of the Younger-Dryas catastrophe […]

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An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

If you enjoy these clips, please consider sharing them via social media. Every little bit helps us continue to rewrite human history. Thank you for all of your support to date, without you we would not be able to continue to broadcast this information worldwide. Sincerely, Camron Wiltshire and Randall Carlson Save 33.3% with coupon code: Gnosis Podcast The launch […]

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Graham Hancock with catastrophist theorist Randall Carlson at Dry Falls -- a fossilised waterfall of enormous size cut by the waters of Bretz's flood and left as we see it now when the flood had run its course. Photo by Santha Faiia.

Why science should cherish its rebels. New article from Graham Hancock

There is fierce disagreement amongst mainstream scientists – a disagreement that also divides alternative researchers – around what happened to the Earth, and to humanity, in the closing millennia of the last Ice Age between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago. Marked by intense cold, global floods and extinctions of animal species, this 1200-year interval is known to geologists as the Younger Dryas. Many of the leading investigators are convinced the agent of the mysterious earth changes, and of the extinctions, was a comet that the struck the North American ice cap with globally cataclysmic effects.

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Conspiranormal podcast with Randall Carlson

Conspiranormal podcast with Randall Carlson

In this episode we welcome Randall Carlson to the show. We had the pleasure of meeting Randall at Paradigm Symposium back in May and got to interview him there. Now we get more in depth on his theories of Sacred Geometry and how that ties into the concept of precession. We also discuss why precession was important to ancient civilization […]

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Timeline of Global Catastrophe & Wisdom of Antiquity w/ Randall Carlson

Timeline of Global Catastrophe & Wisdom of Antiquity w/ Randall Carlson

Sacred Geometry, numerology, and the large scale timetable of extinction events on Earth is revealed by renowned geometrician and geological explorer Randall Carlson.

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Earth Ancients Podcast – Randall Carlson: Earth’s Lost History & Cycles Of Catastrophe

Earth Ancients Podcast – Randall Carlson: Earth’s Lost History & Cycles Of Catastrophe

Thank you Earth Ancients for having Randall on your show. Randal Carlson is featured in Graham Hancock’s acclaimed new book Magician’s of the Gods and the TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” . He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His […]

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Pleistocene megafauna (RIP)

Cycles of Global Change

As this article is going to press, yet another near miss of an asteroid has occurred accompanied by an apparent meteor strike. On Sunday, September 7, as asteroid 2014 RC was zooming by Earth at less than one tenth the distance to the Moon, what appears to be a meteorite struck the Earth blasting out a crater some 40 feet […]

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Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Repost from DailyGrail.com While Graham Hancock, Robert Schoch & John Anthony West are undoubtedly ‘house-hold names’ in the Alt-history movement, the same might not be said of Randall Carlson. Which is a bloody, unforgivable shame. I first learned of Randall fairly recently, thanks in large part to the Podfather himself, Joe Rogan, who had him on his show The Joe Rogan Experiencelast May, and if […]

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‘The only thing preventing a catastrophe from a city-killer size asteroid is blind luck’ – NASA Scientists

‘The only thing preventing a catastrophe from a city-killer size asteroid is blind luck’ – NASA Scientists

Editors note:  Those following Randall’s work will especially appreciate this acknowledgement from NASA. Thank you Randall for all of your good work to help  humankind awaken to our greatest threat, and paradoxically our greatest hope for evolution and atonement (at one ment).  For a previous article describing this type of event, presciently only one month before it occurred, please read […]

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Ask Randall: Duration of the Great Year

Ask Randall: Duration of the Great Year

For any discussion of the Great Year the work Hamlet’s Mill is an obligatory starting point. The authors of Hamlet’s Mill, the work that more or less brought the Great Year concept to the attention of modern scholarship, frame the GY in terms of a full precessional cycle. I will quote them at length, some of which will be redundant from my Author of the Month article,

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Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 500 injured

Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 500 injured

Eyewitness accounts of the meteorite phenomenon, handpicked by RT. According to unconfirmed reports, the meteorite was intercepted by an air defense unit at the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. A missile salvo blew the meteorite to pieces at an altitude of 20 kilometers, local newspaper Znak reports quoting a source in the military. Regnum news agency quoted a military source who […]

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DisinfoCast 39: Randall Carlson, Sacred Geometry and Geomythology

DisinfoCast 39: Randall Carlson, Sacred Geometry and Geomythology

Randall Carlson joins the DisinfoCast for a discussion about climate, myth and cosmic cycles.

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The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe

The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe

  “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson When I was commencing my studies of geometry in the early 1970s, one of the first books which I […]

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Etowah Mounds Spring Equinox Field Trip

Etowah Mounds Spring Equinox Field Trip

I stumbledupon it http://www.ciclotourmugello.it/wpfr/ I am going to return yet again since I saved as a favorite it. If you are on a personal connection, I shit you not http://manoladadaforca.com.br/it9283/.

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SGI Event Posters & Flyers

SGI Event Posters & Flyers

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In 1883, Did Earth Narrowly Miss Comet That Would Have Destroyed All Life?

In 1883, Did Earth Narrowly Miss Comet That Would Have Destroyed All Life?

“If they had collided with Earth we would have had 3275 Tunguska events in two days, probably an extinction event.”

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Joe Rogan and Daniel Pinchbeck: “As above so below”

Joe Rogan and Daniel Pinchbeck: “As above so below”

Joe Rogan and Daniel Pinchbeck discuss catastrophes, cataclysm and the reciprocal relationship between human spiritual development and cyclical/karmic destruction from Nature.

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