Tag: francis bacon

The Hidden Life Is Best #11 - The Gnostic Hamlet: Chaos Agent Strong Arm and The Hatred of Women

The Hidden Life Is Best #11 – The Gnostic Hamlet: Chaos Agent Strong Arm and The Hatred of Women

A deep dive into the play Hamlet, which many claim is the greatest play ever written. Is it primarily Gnostic, or does it just contain Gnostic themes? Hear the evidence and decide for yoursef! Stay until the end for a review of the Central Park Hamlet 2023!

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Gnosis 10: Robert Frederick - The Hidden Life Is Best - Francis Bacon and the NWO.

Gnosis 10: Robert Frederick – The Hidden Life Is Best – Francis Bacon and the NWO.

Joining us for Episode 10 is Robert Frederick whose amazing podcast series The Hidden Life is Best – Francis Bacon and the Gnostic English Empire is the topic of today’s conversation. – Is Francis Bacon Christian Rosenkreuz? Did he create the Freemasonic secret society, was he the mastermind behind the Shake-spear(e) project? Has the sun ever set on the British empire? What is Gnosis and what are the connections to modern scientism and globalism?

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The Hidden Life Is Best #3 - Bacon, Science, Freemasonry and Shakespeare

The Hidden Life Is Best #3 – Bacon, Science, Freemasonry and Shakespeare

The Hidden Life Is Best #3 – Bacon, Science, Freemasonry and Shakespeare

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What is Gnosticism? Why does it lead to Scientism? - Robert Frederick

What is Gnosticism? Why does it lead to Scientism? – Robert Frederick

What is Gnosticism? Why does it lead to Scientism? – Robert Frederick

The entire series can be heard on TheHiddenLifeIsBest.com website. I highly recommend you listen to all 8 current episodes and hopefully many times, as it’s a decent chunk of material to enjoy, looking at around 9 hours give or take, but well worth it if you want to really grok and come to grips with the octupus leviathan that is global freemasonry and secret-snobriety.

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The Hidden Life is Best - Francis Bacon and the Gnostic English Empire

The Hidden Life is Best – Francis Bacon and the Gnostic English Empire

“The only thing new in the world is the history you do not know. ― Harry S. Truman” “All conspiracy roads lead to London.” – Robert Frederick “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” – Matthew 23-27 Check […]

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Knights of the Lion - Robert Sepehr

Knights of the Lion – Robert Sepehr

Knights of the Lion – Secret Societies and Hidden History – Robert Sepehr reveals the ancient lineage of Mystery Sun Cults throughout history and
provides insight into the actual author(s) of the Bible and Shakespeare in featuring Rosicrucian Francis Bacon as the most likely candidate.

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