March 4, 2023 at 6:03 am

The Hidden Life is Best – Francis Bacon and the Gnostic English Empire


“The only thing new in the world is the history you do not know. ― Harry S. Truman”

“All conspiracy roads lead to London.” – Robert Frederick

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.”
– Matthew 23-27

Check out more of Robert Frederick’s work on his website:

Is Francis Bacon the most inspirational figure of modern civilization? Did the sun ever set on the British empire? Are we stuck in the fever dream of rosicrucian/masonic/luciferian oligarchs dead set on cheating death no matter how many crusades or other ritual holocausts they have to cook up? Inquring minds want to (G)know!

The first video is an amazing discussion between christian lawyer and satanic occult crime investigator extraordinaire William Ramsey and Francis Bacon expert and author Robert Frederick. Robert has gone to great lengths to expose one of histories most shadowy and influential members, one whose imposed paradigm continues to drive the globalist/nazi/secret society (all the same beast I’m afraid) death spiral towards “transcendence” or the much touted “singularity” which many an occult vampire supposes will provide for them a means to cheat death and hell/karma for all of the blood letting and debauchery they’ve foisted upon the unsuspecting down here on planet WestWorld.

Determining the genealogies of those “elite” globalist parasites who have an all together luciferian belief system powering their cannibalistic crusade through space time is vital and many of our manufactured “favorites”, “influencers” and other modern pharisees who lead this inverted lifestyle are being outed or “dying suddenly” daily. Is this the result of the greatest psyop since Shakespeare? Dare I mention Q as being more than what the mouth breathing mockingbirds denounce it as?

Who determines what reality is anyway? The latest expert pushing fear? The shiny soothsayers reciting tele-prompted catechisms? No thanks, I prefer to stick with what I best can reckon or render giving decades of watching the beast system gaslight, castigate and enflame the body politic and work backwards following the money honey. Sure enough, their be gold in them hills and those hills have eyes and well, you get my mixed metaphors for mutated canni-baal worshippers feasting on we, the awakening Eloi, who like our West World sex robot slave counterparts, have frankly had, enough.

Now as the spring equinox is upon us and Pluto will be entering Aquarius for the first time since 1777-1779, the era known for the founding of this great experiment in Republican Democracy (Ordo Ab Chao) we are experiencing a return in space, one orbit removed from the inception of the new Atlantis of Bacon, better known as the United States of America. The snake scales are falling from our benighted eyes and the truth of the underground establishment of global sex traffickers and sin eaters is being revealed, but do not expect this to be made known to you from the corporatized state (fascist) owners of the mainstream media anytime soon, heck you can’t even wait on the gatekeeping astroturf influen-sah pushing controlled oppositional cogs like Joe Rogan either. YOU JUST HAVE TO LOOK (GASP!!) FOR YOURSELVES!

“There’s so many wackos out there who think that vaccines are a scam or dangerous…” – Joe Rogan

That’s not ageing very well in light of the daily Died Suddenly reports, reports you apparently don’t see fit to cover in your faux independent media kingdom, too fearful of getting cancelled, of having to experience the life of a real dissident I take it. While the common man was having their work destroyed, censored, demonetized and was made to suffer through the pain of poverty while exposing the planned oncoming global genocide, you took the easy route and cozied up with the apologists and profiteers of the war machine. You continue to ignore the 40% increase in all cause mortality and the obvious connection to the jab.

#DiedSuddenly #Scamdemic #VaxxMurder #Genocide

I know that sounds dismissive, and it is meant to be that way only to those who have yet to embrace the reality of the times we live in and the nature of our collective adversaries. No shill-ebrity influencer cares if you know the truth about anything, they just want your coin, your attention, your praise. Save all of that energy for yourself and beware the secret society members who’ve repeatedly sworn binding spiritual oaths to betray the truth in service to the lies of the devil, the-evil, the inverted “lived” who prefer darkness to light.

I hope you will take in a few of the materials I’ve gathered here. I’m not here to interpret them for you, I’m merely providing alternative perspectives which can help you understand what the Mystery religions of various occulted orders actually believe and practice. The future of our species rests in the balance; will we integrate this collective shadow and repressed truth, that our world was again hijacked by the same evil that plagued Atlantis and the pre-deluvian world, and that we are again approaching the cycles where the human heart is weighed against that of the feather of justice and if we be found wanting, that the in built mechanisms of planetary destruction or resetting will again define our story?

Our will we recover the deepest heroic understanding, that our lives are defined by our choices and that no archon may interfere without our consent in enslaving us again to the mistakes of the past. That choice is ours and ours alone. Individuality is the gift of free-will that our creator has given to all conscious beings and perhaps it is not too late to remember and recognize that our sovereignty is the ultimate power in this lived Mystery drama. That no man or force in the heavens nor below may control us if we refuse to be complicit in our own destruction, that the emperor wears no clothes and that no vampire may enter within your body temple without your permission. Rebuke any who seek to control or manipulate you for their own ends, these psychic vampires are inevitably soulless parasites seeking refuge from the calamity of their own sins.

To those who are seeking Gnosis through these occulted systems, be weary of the oaths they attempt to bind you with, you do NOT need any man to reach God, nor their “wisdom” to see the light. Love and the golden rule are simple in their effectiveness and long lasting harmonization, true strength is evident in the noble path where no one assumes dominance or superior importance over another nor takes on the airs that such an aristocratic folly presents. History moves in ‘psychles’ and the wise understand they have the ability to lift themselves above the mundane struggle through devoted purification and atonement with the all, no need to contract with demons, perform elaborate ceremonies or repeat endless catechisms of corrupted control freaks.

On that note I continue to abide in pursuit of this enlivening Gnosis and to share it with you all in pursuit of a world beyond subservience to mammon.

Godspeed and party on truth seekers, may all beings be free.

AstroMonk *

gnosis podcast, gnosis, omnia vincit veritas

Related media:

228 – Robert Frederick : Francis Bacon, Gnostics and The Knights Templars\

The Ancient Occult Religion of Freemasonry

Camron Wiltshire on The Quest for Gnosis, Defining Sacred Geometry and 666 the Beast of Revelation

Gnosis, 9/11 Truth and Cycles of Catastrophe

1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History

Occult Forces – Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled – ROBERT SEPEHR

The Freemasons: A Satanic Cult Or harmless fraternity? | The Conspiracy Show | Documentary Central

Ancient Mystery Religion Archeology (Bill Cooper) – ROBERT SEPEHR

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