Tag: global warming

Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Thank you to the Information Warfare for making these! These videos have been scrubbedy from YouTube Via Information Warfare https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6WK46QiCsw1QHhZd9kuag Stop blaming humanity! Climate change is NOT man-made! This is the REAL Inconvenient Truth. Graham Hancock talks about the massive comet impact that caused this massive climate change that happened 12,800 years ago. Randall Carlson walks us through the evidence […]

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500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’

THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D. More than 500 scientists and professionals in climate and related fields have sent a “European Climate Declaration” to the Secretary-General of the United Nations asking for a long-overdue, high-level, open debate on climate change. Just as 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the U.N. Climate Action Summit in New York accusing world leaders of robbing […]

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Collapse of Global Warming Deception Triggers Variety of Bailouts and Revisionism

Collapse of Global Warming Deception Triggers Variety of Bailouts and Revisionism

Via WattsUpWithThat.com Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball We will see an increasing number of people changing their positions on global warming as the global warming ship sinks. It will take various forms including; articles appearing that subtly shift previously held positions; reevaluation of data; or finding new evidence that allows a change and perhaps worst of all those who say […]

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REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 part 4

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 part 4

Read part 3 here. Tropical Response to CO2 A study appeared in Trends in Ecology & Evolution in the year 2000 that looked at the response of tropical forests to the increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The authors, Yadvinder Malhi and John Grace, were with the Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Their report, appearing […]

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The Tsar Bombas fireball, about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in diameter.  Exploded with a force of 50 MT TNT.

Its test on October 30, 1961, remains the most powerful man-made explosion in human history.

Halloween Asteroid – City busting Earth Grazer imminent near miss

*Editors note:  Yet another eerily prescient reminder is discovered shortly after posting related media on this site.  Please read the Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt series for evidence of this fact.  Also please see another example of this type of synchronicity occurring previously with Randall’s article on DA-14, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and the subsequent Chelyabinsk meteor strike as […]

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Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?

Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?

Editors note: The following is Randall Carlson’s definitive response to an affected attempt to label him as a “climate change denier.” Randall is of course more than happy to debate anyone from the pro IPCC global warming alarmist camp, brave enough to engage him in an open forum. Truly the debate is not over… but just beginning. Interested climate scientists […]

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Cycles of Global Change – Part 3 – Era of the Great Goddesss

Cycles of Global Change – Part 3 – Era of the Great Goddesss

 In several previous articles I have been describing some of the great planetary upheavals that have occurred in the recent geological past that had a profound effect on humankind. I related how in the aftermath of thousands of years of the Great Winter, its catastrophic termination and the traumatic birth of the present world age, Earth’s environment shifted into a […]

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Pleistocene megafauna (RIP)

Cycles of Global Change

As this article is going to press, yet another near miss of an asteroid has occurred accompanied by an apparent meteor strike. On Sunday, September 7, as asteroid 2014 RC was zooming by Earth at less than one tenth the distance to the Moon, what appears to be a meteorite struck the Earth blasting out a crater some 40 feet […]

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