Tag: magicians of the gods

The Comet That Changed Humanity

The Comet That Changed Humanity

Via: Underknown Comets fly through space all around our beautiful blue marble, but there is new evidence that suggests that an impact from one such comet changed the course of human history. Subscribe to our Channel: https://goo.gl/RgDszL *Editor’s note: There has in fact been found two craters associated with the Younger Dryas Impact Event! Please see George Howard’s voluminous work […]

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THOTH’s PROPHECY read from the Hermetic Texts by Graham Hancock

THOTH’s PROPHECY read from the Hermetic Texts by Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock is a British author who specializes in theories involving ancient civilizations, Earth changes, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths, and astronomical or astrological data from the past. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past. Learn more at https://grahamhancock.com/ Huge thank you to Lubomir Arsov for creating […]

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Prehistory Decoded Part 1 (Video)

Prehistory Decoded Part 1 (Video)

Decoding Gobekli Tepe w/ Martin Sweatman PhD, for more details and context, see his book Prehistory Decoded. Nearly 13,000 years ago millions of people and animals were wiped out, and the world plunged abruptly into a new ice-age. It was more than a thousand years before the climate, and mankind, recovered. The people of Gobekli Tepe in present-day southern Turkey, […]

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(Danny Hilman Natawidjaja)

A Scientist Claims The World’s Oldest Pyramid Is Hidden in an Indonesian Mountain – Science Alert

Via Science Alert PETER DOCKRILL 18 DEC 2018 When Dutch colonists became the first Europeans to discover Gunung (Mount) Padang in the early 20th century, they must have been awestruck by the sheer scale of their ancient stone surroundings. Here, scattered across a vast hilltop in the West Java province of Indonesia, lay the remnants of a massive complex of […]

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Randall Carlson On Fade To Black November 7th 2018

Randall Carlson On Fade To Black November 7th 2018

**Right Click Save As** Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges […]

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New Graham Hancock Interview w the Human Experience

New Graham Hancock Interview w the Human Experience

Via The Human Experience Podcast Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven’s Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, […]

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An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

If you enjoy these clips, please consider sharing them via social media. Every little bit helps us continue to rewrite human history. Thank you for all of your support to date, without you we would not be able to continue to broadcast this information worldwide. Sincerely, Camron Wiltshire and Randall Carlson Save 33.3% with coupon code: Gnosis Podcast The launch […]

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New Graham Hancock the Evidence Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You to See (Video)

New Graham Hancock the Evidence Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You to See (Video)

Via ZEG TV HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC Graham Hancock explains how an entire episode of the human story has been lost, an advanced civilisation very different from our own, with advanced technologies In the teeth of opposition from orthodox historians, and an ideologically driven consensus, a new paradigm of prehistory is emerging that will change everything we have been taught […]

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An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com Paleolithic Extinctions and the Taurid Complex (2010) Centaurs as a Hazard to Civilization (2015) Excerpted from Wolbach et. al (2018) Astronomical Hypothesis for the YDB Impact Event Regarding the probability of a swarm of cometary fragments hitting the Earth, Boslough et al. (2013) claimed that the YDB event is “statistically and physically impossible,” whereas Napier et al. (2013) […]

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Credit: University of Kansas

Research suggests toward end of Ice Age, humans witnessed fires larger than dinosaur killer, thanks to a cosmic impact

Via Phys.org Research suggests toward end of Ice Age, humans witnessed fires larger than dinosaur killer, thanks to a cosmic impact https://t.co/sP0cAHWCnD@Graham__Hancock @SacredGeoInt — Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 2, 2018 Research suggests toward end of Ice Age, humans witnessed fires larger than dinosaur killer, thanks to a cosmic impact Credit: University of Kansas On a ho-hum day some 12,800 years […]

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The Worldwide Flood: Unifying Science with the Human Narrative Tradition – GrahamHancock.com

The Worldwide Flood: Unifying Science with the Human Narrative Tradition – GrahamHancock.com

Via GrahamHancock.com Join the Author of the Month at GrahamHancock.com   October 2017 AOM: The Worldwide Flood: Unifying Science with the Human Narrative Tradition   Michael Jaye It is with pleasure that we welcome our AoM for October, Michael Jaye PhD., whose book, The Worldwide Flood, reveals evidence of the flood catastrophe in deep antiquity. Central to Jaye’s effort is […]

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Graham Hancock with catastrophist theorist Randall Carlson at Dry Falls -- a fossilised waterfall of enormous size cut by the waters of Bretz's flood and left as we see it now when the flood had run its course. Photo by Santha Faiia.

Why science should cherish its rebels. New article from Graham Hancock

There is fierce disagreement amongst mainstream scientists – a disagreement that also divides alternative researchers – around what happened to the Earth, and to humanity, in the closing millennia of the last Ice Age between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago. Marked by intense cold, global floods and extinctions of animal species, this 1200-year interval is known to geologists as the Younger Dryas. Many of the leading investigators are convinced the agent of the mysterious earth changes, and of the extinctions, was a comet that the struck the North American ice cap with globally cataclysmic effects.

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The Most Epic Podcast in Internet History vol 2 – Rogan, Hancock, Carlson  – 11/15/16

The Most Epic Podcast in Internet History vol 2 – Rogan, Hancock, Carlson – 11/15/16

via GIPHY via GIPHY This Tuesday 11/15/16 marks the long awaited return of Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson to the Joe Rogan Podcast. Randall Carlson and I back on the @joerogan Experience Tues 15 Nov at 1.30pm (approx) Pacific time for more controversy and breaking news. — Graham Hancock (@Graham__Hancock) November 13, 2016 Purchase Mit Viagra generika ist es einfach […]

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Graham Hancock – Magicians Of The Gods – PART 1/2 | London Real

Graham Hancock – Magicians Of The Gods – PART 1/2 | London Real

Published on Sep 18, 2016 Graham Hancock – Magicians of the Gods – Part 1 of 2. FREE FULL EPISODES: https://londonrealacademy.com/episode… Graham Hancock is a British writer and journalist who specialises in theories involving ancient civilisations, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths and astronomical/astrological data from the past. Chapters: 00:00 Trailer. 02:45 Brian’s thoughts on the […]

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New Trailer featuring Graham Hancock discussing Atlantis (Video)

New Trailer featuring Graham Hancock discussing Atlantis (Video)

You can watch the 1/2 of the almost 2 hour interview here E con un miglior flusso sanguigno https://www.saintesavinebasket.fr/se/3842.html, abbiamo una migliore erezione. Hi, I do think this is an excellent web http://melsexotics.com/edpills/cialis-originale-in-italia.html.

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Graham Hancock’s Magicians of the Gods & Elitist Academia (Going Underground)

Graham Hancock’s Magicians of the Gods & Elitist Academia (Going Underground)

Via RT.com Afshin Rattansi goes underground on an attempted academic coup in Turkey’s Göbekli Tepe. International bestseller & Author of ‘Magicians of the Gods’, Graham Hancock, discusses a catastrophic event that wiped out our ancient ancestors & the institutions trying to keep this civilisation a secret. Published on Aug 16, 2016 Acupuncture shows promise for treating ED and http://gocruisewithjane.co.uk/go/it2.html Ive […]

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Joe Rogan & Aubrey Marcus discussing Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson’s work

Joe Rogan & Aubrey Marcus discussing Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson’s work

Joe and Aubrey delve into the “ultimate mystery” of the lost origins of our species and the evidence supporting the cyclical catastrophes that have left us a “species with amnesia.” For more information please see: https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/cosmic-patterns-and-cycles-of-catastrophe-dvd-preview Das sagte, Wahrscheinlichkeit ist generika, Sie wollen Vorteile nutzen von Ihren Anforderungen und kann wuenschen vanish freien VGR Jp Do youve any? Kindly permit […]

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Timeline of Global Catastrophe & Wisdom of Antiquity w/ Randall Carlson

Timeline of Global Catastrophe & Wisdom of Antiquity w/ Randall Carlson

Sacred Geometry, numerology, and the large scale timetable of extinction events on Earth is revealed by renowned geometrician and geological explorer Randall Carlson.

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Graham Hancock

Magicians of the Gods proves that Graham Hancock is Indiana Jones

Via Disinfo.com Editors note: Learn more about Magicians of the Gods here. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for the Western mind to ignore transdisciplinary investigations to (potentially) reveal the greater invisible reality of metaphysics, or to hide the fact that maybe there really are true hallucinations, as the great Terence McKenna once put it. Although the deity mother ayahuasca […]

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Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan and Randall Carlson Together on 11/19/15

Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan and Randall Carlson Together on 11/19/15

Listen Live Here 11/19/15  Showtime ~10am – 1pm PST, 1 – 4pm EST  Youtube or on Ustream here. “Mother Earth has shaken many civilizations from her back.” – Manly P. Hall   Announcing the most epic podcast in internet history. Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan wax philosphic for 3 + hours of history rewriting discussion, centering around Graham’s […]

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