Tag: megalithomania

Giant Dragon Man Skull & 11 New Sites Near Göbekli Tepe | Andrew Collins | Megalithomania Podcast #2

Giant Dragon Man Skull & 11 New Sites Near Göbekli Tepe | Andrew Collins | Megalithomania Podcast #2

In the Megalithomania Podcast #2, Hugh Newman interviews Andrew Collins about the ‘Dragon Man’ skull which is of giant size that was found in China, and if it is Denisovan. They discuss whether this proves that giants existed in the distant past looking at other finds around the world. More discoveries at Qesem Cave in Israel and in Tibet are […]

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Robert Bauval | Astrobiology, Cosmology & the Great Pyramid | Origins Conference

Robert Bauval | Astrobiology, Cosmology & the Great Pyramid | Origins Conference

Join Megalithomania in November 2020 to explore this pyramid and others on a specially designed 13 day tour for Megalithomaniacs. Details at http://www.megalithomania.co.uk/egypt…​. Robert Bauval explores astrobiology, cosmology, mathematics, the origins of science and how this relates to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Towards the end of the lecture he explores the possibility of “Intelligent Design” in relation to the […]

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Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time

Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time

Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time FULL LECTURE Richard’s presentation shows how astronomy and land surveying became possible to late stone age society through the simple manipulation of numbers held as lengths. The idea of a previous super-civilisation, predating the megalithic, becomes unnecessary if evidence from the Megalithic can be re-interpreted – as able to achieve an […]

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