Tag: satan

Mystery Babylon - Part 15: Quotes by Freemasons

Mystery Babylon – Part 15: Quotes by Freemasons

“Each of the pagan gods had (besides the public and open) a secret worship paid [to] him, to which none were admitted but those who had been selected by preparatory ceremonies, called initiation. This secret worship was termed the Mysteries.”

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Luciferian Philosophy Part 1 - Hour of the Time - Bill Cooper (Transcribed)

Luciferian Philosophy Part 1 – Hour of the Time – Bill Cooper (Transcribed)

“Yes boy these people can lie remember they’re sworn never to tell you the truth about their organization upon the pain of death. Not just sworn once but sworn for every single degree that they obtain. Both of freemasonry’s highest authorities during the past 100 years clearly state that masonry is a religion complete with a religious creed of worship but just what kind of religion is Freemasonry?” – William Cooper

“My admonition to you is to read everything, listen to everyone, believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.” – William Cooper

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“William Morgan” Infiltrates Scottish Rite Freemasonry Part 3

“William Morgan” Infiltrates Scottish Rite Freemasonry Part 3

[WC]: Why are you revealing the secrets if you took the oath?

[WM]: Because I took the oath under a fraudulent contract, as such. I was told that it was a benevolent organization, that it dealt withcharity, that it was arranged around God. All three of those things are bold‐faced lies and I can prove their falsehood. In fact, anybody can prove their falsehood with just a moment’s bit of research. There are many more reliable sources than I for information that you can go to to find out the true nature of this Craft, and many religions of the world, including the Baptists and the Mormons, have condemned Freemasonry as being exactly what it purports not to be. It’s not benevolent, it’s not charity organized, and it’s not centered around God.

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The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

“The Temple of Solomon was supposedly built by demons that Solomon had summoned because the God that Solomon worshipped was the satanic god of Egypt Set which is a god of darkness and chaos and a lot of this is incorporated into Freemasonry. The Freemasons believe they are the children of Cain and Cain believe dhe was the child of teh Serpetn in the garden of Edeen of Eve and Samael or Lucifer. They refer to themeslves as Widows son, meaning that their father is the serpent in the garden of eden, their father is Samael.”

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Gnosis 10: Robert Frederick - The Hidden Life Is Best - Francis Bacon and the NWO.

Gnosis 10: Robert Frederick – The Hidden Life Is Best – Francis Bacon and the NWO.

Joining us for Episode 10 is Robert Frederick whose amazing podcast series The Hidden Life is Best – Francis Bacon and the Gnostic English Empire is the topic of today’s conversation. – Is Francis Bacon Christian Rosenkreuz? Did he create the Freemasonic secret society, was he the mastermind behind the Shake-spear(e) project? Has the sun ever set on the British empire? What is Gnosis and what are the connections to modern scientism and globalism?

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When the Atlantean Empire Attacked - ROBERT SEPEHR

When the Atlantean Empire Attacked – ROBERT SEPEHR

In Greek mythology the Titanomachy, or War of the Titans, was the ten-year series of battles which were fought in between the two camps of deities long before the existence of modern mankind: the Titans of Atlantis versus the Olympian Gods and their allies.

Reclaiming Atlantean History and more w/ Robert Sepehr

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Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain - Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6 Last month I introduced the reader to a very strange meteorological phenomenon that occurred with surprising frequency throughout history. This was the phenomenon of rainfall that had the appearance of blood. A very interesting example of this genre appears in The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus, […]

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