Tag: Technology

Chris Knowles | Lucifer’s Technologies & The Mk Ultra-terrestrials

Chris Knowles | Lucifer’s Technologies & The Mk Ultra-terrestrials

The great synchromystic sage of the Secret Sun blog, Chris Knowles, joins THC for his 9th time.

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Using Pillar 43 to date the Younger Dryas event

Using Pillar 43 to date the Younger Dryas event

May 11, 2019   Via MartinSweatman.Blogspot.com In our ‘fox’ paper, we read a date from Pillar 43 at Gobekli Tepe using the position of the disk (sun) on the eagle/vulture’s (Sagittarius’) wing. This was quite a rough estimate. We simply found the mid-point between the ‘head’ and ‘wing’ of Sagittarius, which corresponds to 10,950 BC using the summer solstice and […]

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Ancient Egyptians DID NOT build THIS…The Osirion & Lost Ancient Technology (Video)

Ancient Egyptians DID NOT build THIS…The Osirion & Lost Ancient Technology (Video)

The Osirion in Abydos, Egypt is without a doubt evidence of a lost, PRE-history human civilization that possessed some type of lost ancient high technology. The people that lived in Egypt just a few thousand years ago that we commonly refer to as the “ancient Egyptians” (or the Dynastic Egyptians) could not have constructed this site, and there is actually zero evidence to suggest that they could have. (Note that Osirion is also spelled “Osireon” and “Osireion”)

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Giant Asteroids On Course to Hurtle Past Earth Within the Month, NASA Reveals

Giant Asteroids On Course to Hurtle Past Earth Within the Month, NASA Reveals

  Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World” Via Express.co.uk [pullquote]“We have technology to deflect asteroids using lasers, this is the real deal, perhaps the reason we […]

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Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Via Midwestreal.net http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/049_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/050_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 Every night we go to bed taking it for granted that tomorrow will come. Worst case scenario, our heart will give out and we won’t wake up. But, what if that wasn’t the worst case scenario? As we speak, massive chunks of instant extinction are flying by the vessel we inhabit at preposterous speeds. If one […]

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Sangreal, The  Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 2

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 2

“Hear ye the history of the most holy vessel that is called the Grail, in which the precious blood of Jesus was received on the day that He was put on the Cross.” Perlesvaus: Anonymous – Early 13th Century Last month, in the article Sangreal, The  Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 1  I wrote, “That […]

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The Mysterious Holy Grail

The Mysterious Holy Grail

The Mysterious Holy Grail What was the Holy Grail?  In this program the Grail is presented as a symbol for a powerful lost technology of planetary renewal and regeneration.  Working from translations of medieval Grail Romances, Randall places Grail imagery in the historical context of the extraordinary High Middle Ages that also saw the building of the Gothic Cathedrals, the […]

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