Tag: time

HIDDEN MATHEMATICS – Randall Carlson – Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles

HIDDEN MATHEMATICS – Randall Carlson – Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles

Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. This presentation takes a deep dive into the realm of sacred geometry, ancient stone monuments and the hidden mathematics that is embedded in things we use everyday. Get the After Skool Kid’s Book – Why Don’t Country Flags Use The Color Purple? – […]

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Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time

Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time

Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time FULL LECTURE Richard’s presentation shows how astronomy and land surveying became possible to late stone age society through the simple manipulation of numbers held as lengths. The idea of a previous super-civilisation, predating the megalithic, becomes unnecessary if evidence from the Megalithic can be re-interpreted – as able to achieve an […]

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Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How Huge Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected

Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How Huge Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected

Via: Zohar Stargate Ancient Discoveries We have all been told that geological activity occurs slowly over long periods of time, punctuated by moments of upheaval. What we must understand, is that cosmic order is realized through patterns found in nature as well as the cyclical timing of major geological events. To learn more about these Cycles of Catastrophe – The […]

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Lazer Cutting Time – This Sacred Geometry Artist Uses Lasers To Sculpt His Art

Lazer Cutting Time – This Sacred Geometry Artist Uses Lasers To Sculpt His Art

Sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions has existed since the beginning of time. This laser sculpture wizard, Ari Lazer, showcases his scared creations and shares his philosophy behind his work. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/jJdjDT Mussen Sie dringend die mannliche Energie zuruckgeben? Mit Viagra generika ist es einfach – Sv Apoteket Se. Wirksame Mittel fur Potenz-Viagra! Erectile Dysfunction in […]

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Cycles of Global Change – Part 5 – Civilization of the Goddess

Cycles of Global Change – Part 5 – Civilization of the Goddess

Over the course of the last several articles I have been describing the emergence of a goddess worshiping civilization in the aftermath of a powerful series of catastrophes that terminated the great ice age between 11 and 13 thousand years ago. I have presented evidence that human populations may have suffered a significant decline in numbers across the transition, as […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Dvd Preview part 2

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Dvd Preview part 1 Erwerben Sie Sildenafil unter http://www.autodromolombardore.it/health/it8833/. Beratungen und Empfehlungen sind professionell! If you are unable to achieve an erection adequate for sex viagra and cialis and levitra.

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