Tag: tunguska

What will happen when asteroid hits earth? Rick Sanchez and Randall Carlson Discuss

What will happen when asteroid hits earth? Rick Sanchez and Randall Carlson Discuss

#NewsWithRickSanchez #QuestionMore #RTAmerica As the world prepares for Asteroid Day 2019, the Earth is in the midst of a potentially threatening media shower. Geological and anthropological theorist Randall Carlson of Geocosmicrex.com joins Rick Sanchez to share his expertise. He says that there are “near misses” of cosmic debris on a monthly basis. [pullquote] “The odds are higher than most people […]

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Earth Is Moving Toward The Same Meteor Swarm That Scientists Believe Caused The Tunguska Explosion Of 1908

Earth Is Moving Toward The Same Meteor Swarm That Scientists Believe Caused The Tunguska Explosion Of 1908

Via End Of America Blog June 16, 2019 by Michael Snyder. Over the next several weeks, our planet will have a close encounter with the Taurid meteor swarm. It will be the closest that we have been to the center of the meteor swarm since 1975, and we won’t have an encounter this close again until 2032. So for astronomers, […]

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Illustration of the Taurid Swarm Core. Credit: Western University

Study investigates potential risk of Taurid meteor swarm

Via Phys.org by Jeff Renaud, University of Western Ontario A new study from Western University posits proof to the possibility that an oncoming swarm of meteors—likened to the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot by some extraterrestrial experts—may indeed pose an existential risk for Earth and its inhabitants. (That’s us.) When considering catalysts for catastrophic collision, there are two main sources […]

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Randall Returns to the Conspiracy Farm!

Randall Returns to the Conspiracy Farm!

The Conspiracy Farm Ep. 86 Randall Carlson     *Right click save as* Master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar, Randall Carlson RETURNS to talk Ancient Mysteries, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Civilizations AND MORE!! https://sacredgeometryinternational.c… Contact at The Cabin with Randall Carlson – May 17-27 go to Badcomet.com for details https://stofmahub.com/collections/the… https://twitter.com/ConspiracyFarm1 Vernal Equinox/Super Moon […]

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NASA: Previously Unknown Asteroid had a Near Miss with Earth today

NASA: Previously Unknown Asteroid had a Near Miss with Earth today

Via WattsUpWithThat Anthony Watts / 3 hours ago April 15, 2018 We dodged a bullet today. It came within one half of the distance to the moon. I got this notice in email from NASA about a surprise asteroid that gave us only one day of warning passing halfway between the Earth and the moon. It was the largest known […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

“A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson

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Halloween's Celtic origins mark the beginning of the Celtic New Year.  Photo: Ian Rutherford

The Cosmic Origins of Halloween – Preview

Happy Halloween everyone! Just wanted to share some related articles and videos featuring Randall Carlson explaining how the global phenomenon of the Day of the Dead came to be. The evidence that I am going to present in this and several subsequent articles reveals what I believe to be the greatest underappreciated and unrecognized driving force in human history – […]

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Cosmic Lessons: The Day of the Dead – Part 3

Cosmic Lessons: The Day of the Dead – Part 3

In the two previous articles I have been writing about the connection between the ancient Festival of the Dead, our modern Halloween and certain cosmic events associated with the Pleiades star cluster. Prior to that I contributed a series of articles delving into the extraordinary Tunguska cosmic event of June 30, 1908. In the October, 2015 contribution to this series […]

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Cosmic Lessons: The Day of The Dead – Part 2

Cosmic Lessons: The Day of The Dead – Part 2

In the first part of this article last month I introduced Robert Grant Haliburton and his researches into the ancient Festival of the Dead that coincides with our modern day celebration of Halloween. Upon discovering the universality of a similar festival held at the same time each year in cultures around the world, far removed from each other in time […]

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The Tsar Bombas fireball, about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in diameter.  Exploded with a force of 50 MT TNT.

Its test on October 30, 1961, remains the most powerful man-made explosion in human history.

Halloween Asteroid – City busting Earth Grazer imminent near miss

*Editors note:  Yet another eerily prescient reminder is discovered shortly after posting related media on this site.  Please read the Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt series for evidence of this fact.  Also please see another example of this type of synchronicity occurring previously with Randall’s article on DA-14, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and the subsequent Chelyabinsk meteor strike as […]

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Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 4

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 4

I concluded last article on the great Tunguska Event by presenting preliminary information about the extraordinary optical phenomenon in the atmosphere with which it was associated. All over northern Eurasia in the days following the mighty blast the sky showed forth a striking spectacle of brilliantly colorful sunsets and silvery glows that lasted throughout the night. For several days there […]

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Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 3

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 3

This article is the third in a series describing one of the greatest and most mysterious natural events in modern history. On June 30, just after 7 a.m. local time, in the year 1908, eyewitnesses in a remote region of Siberia experienced a demonstration of the awesome power of cosmic events to affect life on Earth. 107 years later we […]

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Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 2

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 2

On the morning of June 30 in the year 1908 a mighty explosion occurred in the skies over eastern Siberia. As a result of this explosion more than 800 square miles of old growth taiga forest was instantly blown over and nearly 100 square miles immediately below the blast epicenter was utterly incinerated. The cause of this blast has been […]

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The Great Tunguska Thunderbolt

Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt – Part 1

In several previous articles I described some of the major climatic and environmental shifts occurring in the third and fourth millennia BC that were associated with dramatic transitions in human social and cultural patterns, shifts that led to the demise of the relatively harmonious goddess worshiping cultures and the rise of martially oriented patriarchal cultures. Significant changes in climate were […]

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Giant Asteroids On Course to Hurtle Past Earth Within the Month, NASA Reveals

Giant Asteroids On Course to Hurtle Past Earth Within the Month, NASA Reveals

  Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World” Via Express.co.uk [pullquote]“We have technology to deflect asteroids using lasers, this is the real deal, perhaps the reason we […]

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Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Sacred Language and Cosmic Alchemy – Part 10

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Sacred Language and Cosmic Alchemy – Part 10

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Sacred Language and Cosmic Alchemy – Part 10 Throughout this series of articles I have been building a case for the idea that celestial events have played a profound and critical role in the history of human as well as planetary affairs. I have invoked the remarkable stories of the Grail Quest as an example whereby […]

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Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6 Last month I introduced the reader to a very strange meteorological phenomenon that occurred with surprising frequency throughout history. This was the phenomenon of rainfall that had the appearance of blood. A very interesting example of this genre appears in The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus, […]

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Close Encounters of the Celestial Kind: 2013 Multiple Asteroid Sightings Around The World

Close Encounters of the Celestial Kind: 2013 Multiple Asteroid Sightings Around The World

[*The Chinese Year of the Snake (or Cosmic Serpent) is off to an appropriate start with the February 15th  bolide explosion over Russia.] The article The Boy Who Cried Wolf: 2012, Fenrir and Asteroid DA14, which appeared in last month’s Oracle, was written in late January, prior to the passage on February 15 of Asteroid 2012 DA14 only 17,200 miles […]

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Randall Carlson on the Midwest Real podcast

Randall Carlson on the Midwest Real podcast

Randall spoke with the guys frankly and openly about his experiences within Masonry, his research into ancient cultures and cataclysms, sacred texts and much, much more. Get ready to go into the deep end with this one.

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Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 500 injured

Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 500 injured

Eyewitness accounts of the meteorite phenomenon, handpicked by RT. According to unconfirmed reports, the meteorite was intercepted by an air defense unit at the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. A missile salvo blew the meteorite to pieces at an altitude of 20 kilometers, local newspaper Znak reports quoting a source in the military. Regnum news agency quoted a military source who […]

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