Tag: asteroid

The Comet That Changed Humanity

The Comet That Changed Humanity

Via: Underknown Comets fly through space all around our beautiful blue marble, but there is new evidence that suggests that an impact from one such comet changed the course of human history. Subscribe to our Channel: https://goo.gl/RgDszL *Editor’s note: There has in fact been found two craters associated with the Younger Dryas Impact Event! Please see George Howard’s voluminous work […]

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Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects

Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects

Via Ancient Architects The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree. A new research paper has been published in Scientific Reports regarding an ancient civilisation in what is modern-day Syria that was wiped out by the cataclysm, as academics finally come round […]

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Randall Returns to RT.com to Discuss Asteroid 2020 DA4

Randall Returns to RT.com to Discuss Asteroid 2020 DA4

Via RT.com The News with Rick Sanchez – March 4, 2020 Randall’s part begins around 19:40 Related article Asteroid that could cause ‘violent’ sky explosions approaching Earth An asteroid that threatens to blast Earth with fiery debris will skim past our planet this weekend. The space rock is the size of a blue whale and will zip past at 14,000 […]

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A world map that shows where similary platinum spikes have been discovered in the world. The latest discovery is at the Wonderkrater site in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Credit: Francis Thackeray/Wits University

New research supports hypothesis that asteroid contributed to mass extinction

Via Phys.org Wits University A team of scientists from South Africa has discovered evidence partially supporting a hypothesis that Earth was struck by a meteorite or asteroid 12 800 years ago, leading to global consequences including climate change, and contributing to the extinction of many species of large animals at the time of an episode called the Younger Dryas. The […]

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Randall Carlson - Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Thank you to the Information Warfare for making these! These videos have been scrubbedy from YouTube Via Information Warfare https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6WK46QiCsw1QHhZd9kuag Stop blaming humanity! Climate change is NOT man-made! This is the REAL Inconvenient Truth. Graham Hancock talks about the massive comet impact that caused this massive climate change that happened 12,800 years ago. Randall Carlson walks us through the evidence […]

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Can we deflect a killer asteroid?

Can we deflect a killer asteroid?

RT America Published on Jul 8, 2019 NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies has detected 1,120 Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) so far this year. RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports for the News with Rick Sanchez on the likelihood of Earth being struck by one of these objects. She also discusses known asteroids that are particularly worrisome to astronomers and how […]

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An artist’s conception of an asteroid hurtling toward Earth. PHOTO: ALAMY

The Asteroid Peril Isn’t Science Fiction

Via the Wall Street Journal: Even if we managed to spot a small but dangerous asteroid heading for Earth, we currently have no means to stop it. By Gordon L. Dillow July 5, 2019 11:09 am ET In May, a group of international scientists assembled near Washington, D.C., to tackle an alarming problem: what to do about an asteroid hurtling […]

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Earth Is Moving Toward The Same Meteor Swarm That Scientists Believe Caused The Tunguska Explosion Of 1908

Earth Is Moving Toward The Same Meteor Swarm That Scientists Believe Caused The Tunguska Explosion Of 1908

Via End Of America Blog June 16, 2019 by Michael Snyder. Over the next several weeks, our planet will have a close encounter with the Taurid meteor swarm. It will be the closest that we have been to the center of the meteor swarm since 1975, and we won’t have an encounter this close again until 2032. So for astronomers, […]

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This false-color graphic shows the topography of the far side of the Moon. The warmer colors indicate high topography and the bluer colors indicate low topography. The South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin is shown by the shades of blue. The dashed circle shows the location of the mass anomaly under the basin. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/University of Arizona

Mass anomaly detected under the moon’s largest crater

JUNE 10, 2019 Mass anomaly detected under the moon’s largest crater by Baylor University A mysterious large mass of material has been discovered beneath the largest crater in our solar system—the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin—and may contain metal from the asteroid that crashed into the Moon and formed the crater, according to a Baylor University study. “Imagine taking a pile […]

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Illustration of the Taurid Swarm Core. Credit: Western University

Study investigates potential risk of Taurid meteor swarm

Via Phys.org by Jeff Renaud, University of Western Ontario A new study from Western University posits proof to the possibility that an oncoming swarm of meteors—likened to the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot by some extraterrestrial experts—may indeed pose an existential risk for Earth and its inhabitants. (That’s us.) When considering catalysts for catastrophic collision, there are two main sources […]

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NASA Issues A Warning: Meteorites Are "A Threat To The Earth!"

NASA Issues A Warning: Meteorites Are “A Threat To The Earth!”

Via ZeroHedge.com “We know for a fact that the dinosaurs did not have a space program,” he added. “But we do, and we need to use it.” Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, On Monday, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine warned that meteors that could destroy an entire state in the United States and that they are a real threat to […]

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Potential strike locations of a fictional asteroid
Photo: NASA/Google Earth

NASA and FEMA Will Simulate an Impending Asteroid Strike Next Week

Via Gizmodo.com NASA, FEMA, and other national and international agencies are once again gearing up for a hypothetical asteroid impact preparedness scenario. They hope to learn the best strategies for responding to a potential strike, starting from the moment a threatening asteroid is first detected by astronomers. Next week marks the start of the International Academy of Astronautics Planetary Defense […]

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Grimerica #345 – Graham Hancock

Grimerica #345 – Graham Hancock

Interview Starts at 35:10 Via Grimerica.com *Right Click Save As Graham Hancock joins us. He’s played an integral part in changing the mainstream paradigm of ancient mysteries and human history independent researcher and journalist, author of many books including fingerprints of the gods, magicians of the gods, and his latest America Before, the key to earth’s lost civilization. We chat […]

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Scientists hope samples from the Ryugu asteroid will shed light on the origins of the solar system

Japan’s Hayabusa2 probe to land on asteroid on Feb 22 – Phys.org

Via Phys.org A Japanese probe sent to examine an asteroid in order to shed light on the origins of the solar system is expected to land on the rock later this month, officials said Wednesday. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said the Hayabusa2 probe is expected to touch down on the Ryugu asteroid at 8am local time on February […]

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Iridium,  a metal associated with the asteroid that ended the Cretaceous era can act like a stealth bomb, entering the nucleus of a cancer cell.   Image - Muratart/Shutterstock

Metal From Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Kills Cancer Cells When Blasted With Light – IFL Science

Via IFLScience.com Iridium, a metal associated with the asteroid that ended the Cretaceous era can act like a stealth bomb, entering the nucleus of a cancer cell. When hit with a burst of light, it causes nearby oxygen molecules to become reactive, killing the cell. Whether this can be turned into a viable mechanism for fighting cancer in living things […]

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Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

NASA Goddard Published on Nov 14, 2018 In a remote area of northwest Greenland, an international team of scientists has made a stunning discovery, buried beneath a kilometer of ice. It’s a meteor impact crater, 300 meters deep and bigger than Paris or the Beltway around Washington, DC. It is one of the 25 largest known impact craters on Earth, […]

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Is An Asteroid Coming? NASA's 'Planetary Defense Coordination Office' Budget Suddenly Spikes To $150 Million - Zerohedge

Is An Asteroid Coming? NASA’s ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ Budget Suddenly Spikes To $150 Million – Zerohedge

Via Zerohedge by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/17/2018 – 20:45 It didn’t make many national headlines, but the proposed budget for NASA’s “Planetary Defense Coordination Office” was just increased by 90 million dollars. At a time when our national budget is already stretched to the max, this seems like an odd thing to be spending so much money on. As you […]

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The comet has a human skull face and has been dubbed the Halloween asteroid (illustration)

Eerie ‘death comet’ with a SKULL face will zip past Earth just after Halloween

Via: DailyMail.co.uk Eerie ‘death comet’ with a SKULL face will zip past Earth just after Halloween (but don’t worry, it will be 25 MILLION miles away) A ‘death comet’ will pass earth November 11 about 24million miles away It last showed itself on Halloween 2015 about 302,000 miles away from earth The comet has a human skull face and has […]

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Artist’s impression of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft speeding toward the smaller of the two bodies in the Didymos asteroid system.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Asteroid-Deflection Mission Passes Key Development Milestone

AUGUST 30, 2018 Via John Hopkins Applied Physics Category APL-Led Asteroid-Deflection Mission Passes Key Development Milestone Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory The first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defense has moved into the final design and assembly phase, following NASA’s approval on Aug. 16. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), being designed, built and […]

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NASA: Previously Unknown Asteroid had a Near Miss with Earth today

NASA: Previously Unknown Asteroid had a Near Miss with Earth today

Via WattsUpWithThat Anthony Watts / 3 hours ago April 15, 2018 We dodged a bullet today. It came within one half of the distance to the moon. I got this notice in email from NASA about a surprise asteroid that gave us only one day of warning passing halfway between the Earth and the moon. It was the largest known […]

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