Tag: AstroMonk

All Your Base Are Belong To Trump

2024, A Year in Review – 21 Articles Exposing the Occult

Greetings fellow truth seekers, I Just wanted to share an at a glance reference for all of the blog posts dealing with the occult that I published in 2024. It’s also a chronicle of related social media movements and developments throughout the year culminating with President Donald J. Trump’s triumphant victory, signaling the end of the deep state and the […]

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Gnosis 13: NY Patriot of the Occult Rejects - Leaving the O.T.O

Gnosis 13: NY Patriot of the Occult Rejects – Leaving the O.T.O

Joining us for the latest installment of The Gnosis Podcast is Nick, aka NY Patriot who is the co-founder of the Occult Rejects Podcast.

Nick discusses his personal experience joining the O.T.O and why he left the order. How he started The Occult Rejects and more.

“The O.T.O stands for Ordo Templi Orientis—the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the Temple of the East. The O.T.O.is in sympathy with the traditional ideals of Freemasonry, and was the first of the Old Æon orders to accept The Book of the Law.”

For those following my previous posts exposing all of these appendant Freemasonic bodies such as the Golden Dawn or O.T.O, as left hand path/satanic orders, you will recognize the connection to Aleister Crowley and his infamous “Book of the Law” which has become the bible for the modern satanic church and its many offshoots.

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SGI YouTube Account Terminated - Over the Target

SGI YouTube Account Terminated – Over the Target

So you’d all better wake up, you’ve been taught baloney and bullshit all your life, and you put a little mayonnaise on it and you eat it and you go to town and you think you’re full of food. But you’re not, you are spiritually desolate. You know nothing.” – William Cooper “If he would be deceived let him be […]

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Gnosis 11: Christopher Jon Bjerkenes - Beware The World To Come

Gnosis 11: Christopher Jon Bjerkenes – Beware The World To Come

Over two thousand years ago the self-styled “Sons of Light” declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the “Sons of Darkness”. Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight.

The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. The Sons of Darkness see the bodies piling up, but search in vain for their enemy, who is as subtle and sly as a holy serpent. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see.

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Gnosis 10: Robert Frederick - The Hidden Life Is Best - Francis Bacon and the NWO.

Gnosis 10: Robert Frederick – The Hidden Life Is Best – Francis Bacon and the NWO.

Joining us for Episode 10 is Robert Frederick whose amazing podcast series The Hidden Life is Best – Francis Bacon and the Gnostic English Empire is the topic of today’s conversation. – Is Francis Bacon Christian Rosenkreuz? Did he create the Freemasonic secret society, was he the mastermind behind the Shake-spear(e) project? Has the sun ever set on the British empire? What is Gnosis and what are the connections to modern scientism and globalism?

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Gnosis 08: Joseph Atwill, William Ramsey on Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

Gnosis 08: Joseph Atwill, William Ramsey on Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

In this discussion Joe and William provide information supporting the Freemasonic origins of Theosophy, Zionism, and Nazism. This is the hidden history which is emerging now as the United States is beset on all sides by the deep state globalists, and the latest incarnations of the zionist-nazi false dialectic. This order out of chaos method of dividing and conquering an enemy into polarized camps, both of which are controlled by the same hidden hand, absolutely must be understood for humanity to overcome its greatest adversaries; the cabal and its subsidiary secret societies responsible for fomenting revolutionary terror for centuries towards the goal of a one world satanic kingdom.

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Stanley Kubrick and the AI Demiurge - Jasun Horsley joins AeonByte Radio

Stanley Kubrick and the AI Demiurge – Jasun Horsley joins AeonByte Radio

Stanley Kubrick and the AI Demiurge. Stanley Kubrick is widely considered one of the greatest filmmakers. Some elevate him to a cult-leader status and consider him an exposer of authoritarianism through coded messaging. But what if Kubrick’s role is the opposite of these views? The greatest trick this devil ever pulled was convincing us he was a talented artist. Instead, Kubrick was more of a social engineer that used his films to modify our consciousness and feed an AI demiurge meant to rule over a new, technocratic age. We explore his life and movies, from 2001: A Space Odyssey to Eyes Wide Shut, to find the man behind the archon curtain.

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Why Nazis and Freemasons Revere the Swastika Symbol - Gnosis

Why Nazis and Freemasons Revere the Swastika Symbol – Gnosis

This is an excerpt from the Gnosis episode: Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

I guarantee you will never see the Swastika the same way. Definitely watch the entire episode to understand the purpose of mystification and the occulting of information by secret societies.

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Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill - The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah joins Gnosis to discuss the creation of Theosophy via British Freemasonry; the funding of the proto-Zionist movement via Brown Brothers Harriman the fashioning and training of Adolph Hitler by his handler Dietrich Eckhart and the ‘spiritual’ inspiration he received from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine”. Learn how Theodor Herzl the “spiritual father of zionism” was nothing more than a cut-out or lifetime actor , dancing to the tune of the first Jewish British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. How Madame Blavatsky performed a similar role for Freemason Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, recruited by him to play the inspired mystic whose ‘miraculous’ adventures into occult knowledge and initiation became the foundation for the crypto-masonic brotherhood offshoot Theosophy. See how the “elite” parasites of the new world order designed and implemented their sickening agenda of global genocide by manufacturing World War Two, a war which at a minimum caused over 80 million deaths (with estimates as high as 250 million), culminating in the fiery holocaust of humanity caught up in their satanic blood letting. If you want to understand the world we live in, you must cut away the mystification and propaganda of the “ascended masters” and see true the catastrophic effects on humanity of the hidden hand of history.

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Gnosis 02: Preview w/ Joseph Atwill - Revealing the Freemasonic Roots of WW2

Gnosis 02: Preview w/ Joseph Atwill – Revealing the Freemasonic Roots of WW2

Definition of gnosis : esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation. “Gnostics are first and foremost heretics, always rebelling against an ossified status quo. Gnostics are also mystics, individualists, philosophers, artists, shamans, mythologists and visionaries.” – Adrian Charles Smith Related Media How the Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry The People […]

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Mystery of the Widow's Son - The Legend of the Craft

Mystery of the Widow’s Son – The Legend of the Craft

Hiram Abiff was busy working his Craft, when he suddenly found himself transported into the center of the Earth by Tubal-Cain, there to taste of the Tree of Knowledge. . . Who was the original ‘Widow’s Son’? That all depends on who you ask. This documentary explores a particular thread of Masonic history, namely the origin of the third degree, […]

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The Knights Templar, Baphomet, & The Alchemy of Finance - Tracy Twyman on THC

The Knights Templar, Baphomet, & The Alchemy of Finance – Tracy Twyman on THC

Dearly departed independent occult researcher Tracy Twyman in discussion with The Higher Side Chats’ own Greg Carlwood, on the intersection of global banking cabals, satanism and the infamous Baphomet idol.

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Sneak Peek of a potential Gnosis episode.

Gnosis Podcast Fall Equinox Fundraiser Sale!

Save 33.3% off of Cosmic Patterns with coupon code:GNOSIS PODCAST Save 50% off of all Classes with coupon code: RUNSGI   [wptabs][wptabtitle]Blu-Ray Preview[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLvuraN2vNapqhIpDIgIRO7eIk6gPvweqw” key=”AIzaSyAw4lB76cN9ZbNYfftnO7V46gSn5EMGkx8 ” maxitems=”16″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”1″] [/wptabcontent] [wptabtitle]About[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] *Update,all who purchase Blu-ray or Dvd versions of the presentation will receive a free HD download of the presentation “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded […]

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Massive SGI Equinox Fundraiser Sale!  Please Help Us Finish the Gnosis Podcast Studio!

Massive SGI Equinox Fundraiser Sale! Please Help Us Finish the Gnosis Podcast Studio!

[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”2017-equinox-sale”] [wptabs][wptabtitle]Blu-Ray Preview[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLvuraN2vNapqhIpDIgIRO7eIk6gPvweqw” key=”AIzaSyAw4lB76cN9ZbNYfftnO7V46gSn5EMGkx8 ” maxitems=”16″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”1″] [/wptabcontent] [wptabtitle]About[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] *Update,all who purchase Blu-ray or Dvd versions of the presentation will receive a free HD download of the presentation “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of […]

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Update - GNOSIS - Podcast Fundraiser Sale - Save 22.2% and Help SGI Rewrite History!

Update – GNOSIS – Podcast Fundraiser Sale – Save 22.2% and Help SGI Rewrite History!

Update:10/15/2016 Greetings everyone. GNOSIS – The Sacred Geometry International podcast will be recording its first show this Sunday and we’d like to know what questions you have for Randall and Camron. Please send your questions to [email protected] with Gnosis Podcast Question in the subject field, please keep your questions concise. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon! Like […]

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Camron Wiltshire

Camron Wiltshire

Camron Wiltshire is a full time AstroMonk at SacredGeometryInternational. He runs the website, produces all of the media you see therein and spends his free time attempting to unite Heaven and Earth.

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