Tag: Consciousness

DMT & The Myth of Osiris – RN Vooght

DMT & The Myth of Osiris – RN Vooght

Osiris is synonymous with the Lifeblood or Sap of the Acacia.Osiris is also synonymous with the constellation of Orion.A simple 2D rendition of the molecular structure of DMT shares an almost unbelieveable wealth of commonalities with the constellation of Orion.As Above So Below.Could the Myth of Osiris be an ancient axiom for DMT and where in our world we find it?

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Enigma of the Human Soul – ROBERT SEPEHR

Enigma of the Human Soul – ROBERT SEPEHR

“Despite the darkness, I’m still moving along the right path.” Amen Brother Robert Sepehr. I Have enjoyed sharing his work and seeing his notoriety grow. I’m happy to see anyone who is willing to take a brave stance in defense of cognitive liberty and free speech succeed. Please enjoy the above video and give Robert a comment, thumbs up and […]

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David Metcalfe w/ Paul Devereux and Randall Carlson – Sacred Geometry Explained Nature and Number

David Metcalfe w/ Paul Devereux and Randall Carlson – Sacred Geometry Explained Nature and Number

Paul Devereux (born 1945) is a British author, researcher, lecturer, broadcaster, artist and photographer based in the UK. Devereux is a co-founder and the managing editor of the academic publication Time & Mind – the Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, a research associate with the Royal College of Art (2007-2013), and a Research Fellow with the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL) group at Princeton University.

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Gnostic Order of the Essenes – ROBERT SEPEHR

Gnostic Order of the Essenes – ROBERT SEPEHR

Via Robert Sepehr The Essenes were an apocalyptic sect of Judaism, meaning a sect that thinks of itself as the true form of their religion. The Dead Sea Scrolls are usually thought to have been produced by the Essenes. They consisted of ancient religious manuscripts that were found in 1946, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea in the […]

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Alan Green’s Shows the Sacred Geometry of the Great Pyramid

Alan Green’s Shows the Sacred Geometry of the Great Pyramid

Via: Bardcode In this presentation – Alan Green demonstrates the hidden Sacred Geometry of the Great Pyramid. Massive Sale! Save 77.7% off of Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe and all Classes w/ Coupon Code: 777 Sale ends 8/8/21

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Divine Architecture and Sacred Geometry – ROBERT SEPEHR

Divine Architecture and Sacred Geometry – ROBERT SEPEHR

Via Robert Sepehr Divine Architecture is the art of incorporating nature into man-made structures, often based on two fundamental patterns: The Flower Of Life and the Fibonacci Sequence. Sacred geometry ascribes metaphysical and symbolic meanings to certain geometric shapes and proportions involving universal patterns regularly expressed in nature. Sacred Geometry of Sound, Frequency and Vibration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Whv1… Pyramids and the Hidden […]

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The Red Pill Initiation Hour – Ep 26 – Scott Onstott: Sacred Geometry & Secrets in Plain Sight

The Red Pill Initiation Hour – Ep 26 – Scott Onstott: Sacred Geometry & Secrets in Plain Sight

Welcome to episode 26 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy’s creator and director Chris Storey with guest Scott Onstott as they shine a light on the architectural blueprint of the matrix, looking at how sacred geometry and other holy mathematical constants create our not only 3D reality but also hold the key to our ascension out of […]

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Randall Carlson – Stonehenge and The Squaring of the Circle

Randall Carlson – Stonehenge and The Squaring of the Circle

Stonehenge and the Squaring of the Circle – A short segment on Stonehenge from our film Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe. Here Randall decodes the ancient monument Stonehenge, revealing the hidden alchemical pattern at the heart of this ancient megalithic observatory. “The fact that they were using this and that it is an even subdivision of the mile, does […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

“A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson

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Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Sacred Language and Cosmic Alchemy – Part 10

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Sacred Language and Cosmic Alchemy – Part 10

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Sacred Language and Cosmic Alchemy – Part 10 Throughout this series of articles I have been building a case for the idea that celestial events have played a profound and critical role in the history of human as well as planetary affairs. I have invoked the remarkable stories of the Grail Quest as an example whereby […]

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Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 1

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity – Part 1

 Here is the book of thy descent, Here is the book of the Sangreal, Here begin the terrors, Here begin the miracles The History of the Grail – 12th Century, Anonymous In last month’s article, after a discussion regarding dragons and other symbols employed by ancient peoples to represent celestial objects, I wrote: “Literacy in this language of cosmic symbolism […]

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Free Level 1 Class Preview!

Sacred Geometry Classes: Level 1 Class 1


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The Middle Chamber with Frater X interviews Randall Carlson

The Middle Chamber with Frater X interviews Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson spent time with Masonic radio host Frater X as part of his radio program “The Middle Chamber with Frater X” Topics discussed include: Freemasonry, occult and esoteric systems of initiation and their ultimate purpose. Authoritarianism and the state throghout the ages. The gothic cathedral building area and the connection to ancient climate change. https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/WDTRG-3-6-2013-Randall-Carlson.mp3 Case Erp a Fiumicino, […]

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Where Did The Road Go? An Interview with Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International

Where Did The Road Go? An Interview with Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International

http://www.sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/WDTRG-3-6-2013-Randall-Carlson.mp3 Via Where Did The Road Go? This night we talked to Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International. As you will notice, this conversation could have gone on all night, very easily. We will have Randall back on very soon. Among other things, we discuss; How Randall got into this line of research. What exactly is Sacred Geometry? How widespread […]

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Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott: The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design and The Great Work

Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott: The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design and The Great Work

The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design, and The Great Work

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The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe

The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe

  “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson When I was commencing my studies of geometry in the early 1970s, one of the first books which I […]

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Introduction to Sacred Geometry Presentation This Weekend 2.24.12

Introduction to Sacred Geometry Presentation This Weekend 2.24.12

Join Randall at Anachrocon 2012 This Weekend!

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Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

Ask Randall: What Is Archaeoastronomy? (VIDEO)

What is ArchaeoAstronomy? 32˚ degree FreeMason and Independent Scholar Randall Carlson describes the utilization of ArchaeoAstronomy as employed by ancient master builders throughout human history around the world. From Egypt to Angkor Wat, from Stonehenge to Machu Pichu, why were our ancestors seemingly obsessed with observing the motions of the heavens and bringing them down unto the Earth in architectural form? What are the implications of their desire to literally mirror the patterns of the heavens on the Earth?

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Asheville Trip

Asheville Trip


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