Tag: Joe Rogan

Gnosis 13: NY Patriot of the Occult Rejects – Leaving the O.T.O

Gnosis 13: NY Patriot of the Occult Rejects – Leaving the O.T.O

Joining us for the latest installment of The Gnosis Podcast is Nick, aka NY Patriot who is the co-founder of the Occult Rejects Podcast.

Nick discusses his personal experience joining the O.T.O and why he left the order. How he started The Occult Rejects and more.

“The O.T.O stands for Ordo Templi Orientis—the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the Temple of the East. The O.T.O.is in sympathy with the traditional ideals of Freemasonry, and was the first of the Old Æon orders to accept The Book of the Law.”

For those following my previous posts exposing all of these appendant Freemasonic bodies such as the Golden Dawn or O.T.O, as left hand path/satanic orders, you will recognize the connection to Aleister Crowley and his infamous “Book of the Law” which has become the bible for the modern satanic church and its many offshoots.

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Huge SGI Sale! Save up to 70% off!

Huge SGI Sale! Save up to 70% off!

This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.

Our intention with this class is to teach the use of Sacred Geometry as a practical tool as well as a philosophical and occult system. To that end it is important to attain mastery of two things. First is the mastery of the drawing techniques, the ‘constructions’ as they are called in the lingo of Geometry.

The second is to attain mastery of geometric reasoning. It is this skill that facilitates the process of geometric problem solving, that is, understanding how to design and layout specific forms, patterns and diagrams for purposes of discerning real world applications and solutions to a variety of creative problems.

In other words it is equally important to understand the Why of geometric principles as well as the How. The advantage of an online course such as this is that you work at your own pace. If you had difficulty with math in school it is because the pace of learning is standardized in modern educational institutions and not geared to the learning style of individuals. Take your time, perform the exercises as many times as you need before moving on.

No mathematical background is required. We start with the basics and then proceed to more complex levels.

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Atlantis, Richat Structure & Stonehenge Template Revealed – RN Vooght

Atlantis, Richat Structure & Stonehenge Template Revealed – RN Vooght

Mind-blowing astronomical measurements may pinpoint Stonehenge as an ancient template of the lost city of Atlantis via the Richat Structure aka the Eye of the Sahara!!!” – RN Vooght

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Huge Christmas Sale!  Save and Additional 20% w/ Coupon Code: SOLSTICE

Huge Christmas Sale! Save and Additional 20% w/ Coupon Code: SOLSTICE

Save an Additional 20% off of our already reduced price!! Applies to all SGI Class Combos!
Use Coupon Code: SOLSTICE
Sale ends on 12/28/22 🙂

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Gnosis 04: Robert Forte – MKULTRA,  Michael Pollan and The Modern Marketing of Soma.

Gnosis 04: Robert Forte – MKULTRA, Michael Pollan and The Modern Marketing of Soma.

The history of religion contains the entire spectrum of human experience, including the most beneficent concepts and experience of enlightenment, God, universal intelligence, and so on. It also includes the most malefic realms of humanity: occult mind control, subjugation of populations, exploitation of our good nature, rationales for genocide, war, human sacrifice, and other perversions. The history of psychedelics is no different.”

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Mitch Horowitz on Skeptiko: Did Mitch go full on retard or is he a Satanic Apologist?

Mitch Horowitz on Skeptiko: Did Mitch go full on retard or is he a Satanic Apologist?

Via Moe, the GnosticWarrior A podcast I often tune into is called Skeptiko by Alex Tsakiris. He is a great host and has some excellent guests on his show where you can learn about various scientific and esoteric subjects. One of the people he recently had on his podcast is an occult author, Theosophist, and self-proclaimed Satanist, Mitch Horowitz. The […]

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Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan Experience with Brian Muraresku

Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan Experience with Brian Muraresku

Via GrahamHancock.com Uncover the truth of the past and discover a bold, new course for the future. Attorney and scholar Brian C. Muraresku is the author of The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name. Featuring an introduction by Graham Hancock, The Immortality Key is a look into the psychedelic origins of the world’s great spiritual […]

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Most Grailers would be familiar with the work of Randall Carlson, a polymath whose research on the ancient world integrates sacred geometry, geology, environmental change, myths, legends, cosmic cycles and catastrophes. He is a proponent of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, and has theorized about the extinction of historical advanced human civilizations.

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#askneilnow Tusk challenges Rogan to question Tyson regarding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

#askneilnow Tusk challenges Rogan to question Tyson regarding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

Via CosmicTusk.com #askneilnow Tusk challenges Rogan to question Tyson regarding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis The Tusk recently appeared as a guest on the UnchartedX YouTube series. It was fun and I have a lot of respect for Ben’s work to publicize the YDIH and the Comet Research Group. But if had to do the podcast over again, I would […]

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Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Thank you to the Information Warfare for making these! These videos have been scrubbedy from YouTube Via Information Warfare https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6WK46QiCsw1QHhZd9kuag Stop blaming humanity! Climate change is NOT man-made! This is the REAL Inconvenient Truth. Graham Hancock talks about the massive comet impact that caused this massive climate change that happened 12,800 years ago. Randall Carlson walks us through the evidence […]

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Joe Rogan | The Mysteries of Serpent Mound w/Graham Hancock

Joe Rogan | The Mysteries of Serpent Mound w/Graham Hancock

Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock discuss the archeoastronomy of the native american earth work Serpent mound. Save 33% on SGI Classes and Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe! Use Coupon Code:GNOSIS About health Cialis Sexuelle Stimulation mit Viagra diversifiziert go to meet one’s maker Beziehung in Paaren! Wir haben einen hohen Service unter Potenzmittel Forum!

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Graham Hancock returns to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast!

Graham Hancock returns to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast!

Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as “Fingerprints Of The Gods” & “Magicians of the Gods”. His new book “America Before” comes on out April 23. http://grahamhancock.com/ Save 33% on SGI Classes and Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe! Use Coupon Code:GNOSIS If other health issues arent found to be the cause of […]

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Amazing artwork by Heresy in Clay

Great Fan Art of Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan & Randall Carlson!

heresy.in.clay’We are a species with amnesia.’ Acrylics on canvas. All the #joerogan podcasts with #grahamhancock and/or #randallcarlson are pyramidal intellectual mindfucks. The topics discussed are truly heretic yet so compelling one simply cannot dismiss or ignore them. If you haven’t seen them – do! #joerogan #jre #jrepodcast #joeroganexperience #grahamhancock #fingerprintsofthegods #magiciansofgods #randallcarlson #sacredgeometry #painting #acrylicpainting #poster #portrait #egypt #sphinx #pyramid […]

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Robert Schoch visits The Joe Rogan Experience  Thursday 5/31/2018 (Video)

Robert Schoch visits The Joe Rogan Experience Thursday 5/31/2018 (Video)

Reposted from GeoCosmicRex.com Randall Carlson was interviewed for this article, and the author made multiple errors in her processing of the topics he was introducing. In the same issue was an article authored by regular contributor, geologist Robert Schoch, that seemed to refute Randall’s ideas without giving him an opportunity to counter. Randall has written a response so that it […]

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An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

If you enjoy these clips, please consider sharing them via social media. Every little bit helps us continue to rewrite human history. Thank you for all of your support to date, without you we would not be able to continue to broadcast this information worldwide. Sincerely, Camron Wiltshire and Randall Carlson Save 33.3% with coupon code: Gnosis Podcast The launch […]

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New Graham Hancock the Evidence Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You to See (Video)

New Graham Hancock the Evidence Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You to See (Video)

Via ZEG TV HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC Graham Hancock explains how an entire episode of the human story has been lost, an advanced civilisation very different from our own, with advanced technologies In the teeth of opposition from orthodox historians, and an ideologically driven consensus, a new paradigm of prehistory is emerging that will change everything we have been taught […]

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Randall Carlson visits the Conspiracy Farm with MMA Legend Pat Militech (Podcast)

Randall Carlson visits the Conspiracy Farm with MMA Legend Pat Militech (Podcast)

  Architect, Master Builder, Teacher Geological Explorer & Independent Scholar, Randall Carlson comes buys to break down his research on some of the MAJOR cataclysms that have impacted this planet and the INCREDIBLE evidence he has the supports and describes these events!! And MUCH MORE!! #RandallCarlson #YoungerDryas #Scablands #GrandCoulee #BlackMat #MegaFloods Support The Farm!! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… Save 33.3% off of Cosmic […]

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The Great Debate; Ancient Earth Catastrophes And The “Atlantis” Legend

The Great Debate; Ancient Earth Catastrophes And The “Atlantis” Legend

Every culture on the planet has an oral history of the flooding of the planet; some catastrophic event that changed human existence and generated legends such as Noah’s Ark. Conventional thinking suggests that a series of glacial dams broke at times during the ice age, causing massive releases of water. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson have developed a more radical theory; that strikes from pieces of a comet or asteroids crashed into the North American ice sheet, blowing it apart and causing huge, mega-events that happened far faster than geologists will admit.

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Open Letter: Napier on Defant and the Joe Rogan podcast

Open Letter: Napier on Defant and the Joe Rogan podcast

Via: CosmicTusk.com Bill Napier sent the Tusk a note regarding Joe Rogan’s unforgettable debate-style podcast on the Young Dryas Boundary Hypothesis. His informed correction of Marc Defant’s self-styled skeptical authority on comets is priceless and instructive. A cultural genre of all-purpose professional “skeptics,” like Defant and Shermer, have emerged since James Randi kicked off their gig forty years ago. Like […]

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5 Questions About Gobekli Tepe Answered by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson

5 Questions About Gobekli Tepe Answered by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson

And if you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole… Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Hours 1-2 from Sacred Geometry International on Vimeo. (Here you can see the first 2 of 4 hours of this incredible presentation) Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog post. 5 Questions About Gobekli Tepe Answered by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson Via […]

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