Tag: knowledge

Randall Carlson – The Parthenon Revealed

Randall Carlson – The Parthenon Revealed

The Parthenon, like the Great Pyramid of Cheops and the megalithic observatory Stonehenge, is a geodetic marker; and testament to scientific achievements of our ancestors. Mysterious builders who understood the dimensions of our planet with accuracy rivaling satellite surveys. “…maybe coincidence but here we have the Parthenon being precisely one second of Arc of the Earth’s circumference at that latitude […]

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The Great Pyramid Decoded:  Part 1

The Great Pyramid Decoded: Part 1

Evidence for Advanced Geodetic Knowledge in Archaic Times. A short segment on the Great Pyramid from our film Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe. Here Randall demonstrates exactly how the Great Pyramid of Cheops encodes, “the dimensions of our planet with accuracy rivaling modern satellite surveys.” “This is important to understand how the ancients were able to demonstrate to future […]

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The Fingerprint of Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago – Graham Hancock – Magicians of The Gods Preview

The Fingerprint of Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago – Graham Hancock – Magicians of The Gods Preview

Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World”   Repost from Graham Hancock’s facebook feed:   THE FINGERPRINT OF A GLOBAL CATACLYSM 12,800 YEARS AGO The graphic shows […]

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Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Via Midwestreal.net http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/049_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/050_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 Every night we go to bed taking it for granted that tomorrow will come. Worst case scenario, our heart will give out and we won’t wake up. But, what if that wasn’t the worst case scenario? As we speak, massive chunks of instant extinction are flying by the vessel we inhabit at preposterous speeds. If one […]

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Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott: The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design and The Great Work

Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott: The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design and The Great Work

The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design, and The Great Work

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry 
Image via Phidelity.com

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry

Original SGI YouTube Channel deleted by Satanists at YouTube and in the comments) Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly […]

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