Tag: scott onstott

Atlantis, Richat Structure & Stonehenge Template Revealed – RN Vooght

Atlantis, Richat Structure & Stonehenge Template Revealed – RN Vooght

Mind-blowing astronomical measurements may pinpoint Stonehenge as an ancient template of the lost city of Atlantis via the Richat Structure aka the Eye of the Sahara!!!” – RN Vooght

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Spirit Molecules: Significance of Numbers 6 & 5 – Bard Code

Spirit Molecules: Significance of Numbers 6 & 5 – Bard Code

Learn how the connection of pentagonal and hexagonal geometry lays the foundation for spirit molecules, gateways and other transformational chemical catalysts.
From D.M.T to D.N.A the sacred geometrical patterns linking heaven and earth are dependent on this geometric connection.

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New Jerusalems – Scott Onstott

New Jerusalems – Scott Onstott

Greetings all, hope you are doing well in this time of revelation and upheaval. Lately I’ve been tracing together some prospective connections between global mega rituals and the underlying mythologies which they exploit. As part of my research I’ve been going over a slew of source material that has been foundational in coming to grips with the nature and potential […]

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Burning Man – Scott Onstott

Burning Man – Scott Onstott

Via Scott Onstott at SecretsInPlainSight.com Burning Man I was invited to go to Burning Man when it was at Baker Beach in San Francisco in 1989. At the time I remember wondering what would inspire people to ritually burn an effigy of a man on the beach, and thinking it particularly chthonic (which didn’t appeal to my Apollonian nature) I […]

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The Red Pill Initiation Hour – Ep 26 – Scott Onstott: Sacred Geometry & Secrets in Plain Sight

The Red Pill Initiation Hour – Ep 26 – Scott Onstott: Sacred Geometry & Secrets in Plain Sight

Welcome to episode 26 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy’s creator and director Chris Storey with guest Scott Onstott as they shine a light on the architectural blueprint of the matrix, looking at how sacred geometry and other holy mathematical constants create our not only 3D reality but also hold the key to our ascension out of […]

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#337 – Scott Onstott – Secrets in Plain Sight – Sacred Geometry

#337 – Scott Onstott – Secrets in Plain Sight – Sacred Geometry

Via Grimerica.com Interview Starts at 1:22:45 Bob Starts at 20:08 Scott Onstott joins us to chat about Secrets in Plain Site with over 10,000,000 views, Sacred Geometry, intentional alignment with the Architect of the universe, the number 33, recognizing patterns and spiritual sacred synchronicity. We also chat about conspiracies, the golden ratio, the tragedy of Isis, downloads, the pyramids, contemporary […]

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Scott Onstott joins the Truth Warrior to discuss Geomancy, Sacred Geometry and Spirituality

Scott Onstott joins the Truth Warrior to discuss Geomancy, Sacred Geometry and Spirituality

Via Modern Knowledge Modern Knowledge’s David Whitehead, the Truth Warrior, speaks for the first time to one of our speakers on the upcoming Modern Knowledge Tour – Event info: http://www.modernknowledge.ca Scott Onstott from http://www.secretsinplainsight.com Scott is a Writer, Trainer, Filmmaker, & Artist. This has to be one of the most fascinating subjects out there, Im totally stoked for this. Scott […]

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Grimerica Talks Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson

Grimerica Talks Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson

http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/Randall_Carlson_Grimerica_Podcast_1.mp3 *Right Click Save As Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International is in Grimerica and will proceed to blow your mind wide open. Randall is a master builder and architectural designer,teacher,geometrician,geomythologist,geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 […]

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Extended Interview with Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott

Extended Interview with Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott

An extended conversation between Scott Onstott and Randall Carlson on the Vinny Eastwood show! Fans of this dynamic duo may also appreciate their first recorded conversation as part of our inaugural, Sacred Geometry International Radio: Episode #1 “The Science of Prophecy: Harmonic Design and The Great Work” But the man could have a child until 65, she often sleeps in […]

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Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott: The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design and The Great Work

Randall Carlson and Scott Onstott: The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design and The Great Work

The Science of Prophecy, Harmonic Design, and The Great Work

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Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Scott Onstott is an unexpected alchemist.  A soft spoken architect and autocad teacher by trade, Onstott has found himself called to continue in the footsteps of modern alternative historians such as Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, in pursuit of a greater Mystery, encoded in myth and mystical architecture, hidden in plain sight throughout the ages.  The revelations provided are truly […]

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Secrets in Plain Sight

Secrets in Plain Sight

Synopsis: Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history. Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco brings to […]

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